A Vengeful Fight

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(Wrath POV)
I get up from the rubble that used to be a house and I looked in front of me to see Qrow.

(Wrath) now this is interesting.

(Qrow) so this is what you've become? A monster that attacks anything that comes near it?

(Wrath) hehehehe. No, I didn't become a monster, you and your fucking family made a monster.

I pick up my swords and I get ready to attack.

(Qrow) if you don't stop right now, I won't hold back.

(Wrath) since when did you hold back.

I charge at him as he swings his sword down at me, I blocked it with only one sword as I get closer and try to cut his stomach open, but I my foot slips in the process and my swing was off. I push the sword away from me and I took a step back.

(Wrath) well that was unlucky.

I start to attack him again, but this time he stays on the defensive and he blocks all my attacks, I use my semblance to boost my attack, but his sword his more durable than I though, he then parries one of my attacks and cuts down a tree. The tree falls toward me, but I cut the tree in half to avoid it falling on me. I look back at him to see that his sword is now in a scythe. I charge at him again, but this time he attacks me, I block all his attacks and try to get in closer, but once I tried to, he slashed me across the chest with. I look back at him.

(Wrath mind) how the hell can he move his scythe so fast?

I look at my chest to see a nasty cut on it.

(Wrath mind) these things really are deadly.

I look back at him and bolted towards him,he takes a step back as I try to close the gap, he then turns his scythe into a gun and starts to shoot at me, I start to deflect all of them, until one got me in the shoulder, and I ended up getting shot at multiple. I fall to the ground, now having about six bullet holes in me.

(Wrath) what the hell, I was sure I got all of them.

I stand up to see him putting the scythe on my neck.

(Qrow) last warning.

(Wrath) go fuck yourself.

I try to get close to him, but he impalas me with his scythe, it goes through my stomach and out my back. He then puts the handle on his shoulder and flips me on to the ground so I am facing the sky. I can feel a lot of blood leaving my body and I cough up blood.

(Qrow) should have taken my offer kid.

I clutch my fist and start to weakly get up, I still have my left hand firmly gripping a sword. I run up to him trying to attack him, only for to swing his scythe downwards as he cuts off my left arm.

(Wrath) ARRRHHHHHH!!!!

I fall into my knees holding my stump. I look at him, he puts his scythe on my neck.

(Qrow) next attack will kill you.

(Wrath mind) No! I refuse to be defeated by this fucking asshole! I will kill him, I will kill him, I WILL KILL HIM!

(Shade POV)
I have just witness Wrath having his arm cut off, he is on his knees. He starts to speak until he screams out I will kill him. Wrath then head butted Qrow and grabs his one sword and starts attacking him, Qrow gets some distance from him and starts to shoot him, his bullets hit Wrath, but he just takes it and tries to get some ground, he is stopped by Qrow lunging toward him as his weapon turns to sword form and tries to impale him, but he dodges under and hits him in the face as he stumbles away.


He then gets kicked back and Wrath falls over.  Wrath gets up and his left stub starts to form a black shadow on his left arm. The back smoke screen disappears and Wrath gets a new arm, but it looks like a Grimm arm.
(A/n: it's similar to Cinder's except it is more durable.)
He looks back at Qrow and he is surprised, Wrath then punches him in the gut and he goes back a good distance. Qrow readies his scythe, and Wrath charges at him, Qrow is about to attack, but wrath then back steps making Qrow miss. Wrath uses his Grimm arm to stretch and grabbed Qrow's leg and throws him over his shoulder and slams him into the ground, he then brings him back up and slams him into the other side making a small crater around him. Wrath gets his swords back and pounces on Qrow, but he rolls left and tries to attack. Wrath blocks, he turns to Qrow's direction and throws his sword at him, but he dodges, he looks back to see Wrath tackle him to the ground and starts punching him multiple times, until Qrow catches one of his fist. Wrath grabs hold of it and snaps his left arm into a right angle, he resumes punching until Qrow tried to retaliate by clawing in his face, but Wrath catches his index finger in his mouth and bites down hard. He continues until Qrow's face is covered in blood, I was about to jump in until I hear a familiar voice.

(???) Stop!!

(Wrath POV)
I was about to kill Qrow until I hear a voice

(???) Stop!!

I look to my left to see Blake looking at me. I was surprised that she was alive, but what surprised me the most was the look on her face. She looked like she was concerned about me.

(Wrath) your... alive?

(Blake) Y/n? Is that you?

I froze, I didn't know what to do or say. I can see that she is still getting heart broken because of me, because of me.

(Wrath's mind) Why... why does she still care so much about me. Why am I even caring.

I look back at Qrow and got up off of him, I walked a few feet until I made a portal. I walked through it and ended up in my throne room, I sit upon my throne, thinking of the last thing Blake said to me.

(Blake) come back to me, Y/n.

(A/n: well, that was a fight. Question, do you guys want a lemon chapter or no? I'll let you guys decide. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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