Accepting Apologies

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(A/n: ok a lot of you wanted to forgive Yang and Ruby, so it shall happen. Also there's a little surprise at the end of this.)

It's been almost a month since that incident with Shade and it's been nice to say the least. I am currently in bed with Blake, we are just laying in bed cuddling, she looks so peaceful. Everything was going good, except a few things that are bothering me. The first concern is Sun, that monkey bastard is trying to steal Blake from me, I swear if I catch him doing something to Blake, I'm gonna strangle him with his own intestines. The second thing is Yang and Ruby, they want to go to lunch with me, probably try to apologize and have me reunite with there family. The last, but most concerning is him. He hasn't spoken to me since that incident with Shade, I don't know if he has given up, or is he waiting for something, it feels like a calm before a storm, where everything is peaceful until the winds starts to kick in. I was in deep thought when Blake broke me out of my thoughts.

(Blake) babe, what's wrong.

(Y/n) it's nothing.

(Blake) I know your lying, you got that look on your face.

(Y/n) I don't got a look.

(Blake) sure you don't. Come on, I'm your girlfriend, maybe I can help.

(Y/n) *sigh* it's... its about Yang and Ruby. They want to apologize again, but I don't know if I can forgive them.

(Blake) Oh, yea I heard them talking about it, but if you want my opinion, I would forgive them.

(Y/n) so your saying I should be a family with them again?

(Blake) that is your choice. I would forgive them just so you don't have to carry that pain, hatred and anger.

(Y/n) maybe... By the way it's 10 already.

(Blake) what time is your lunch?

(Y/n) noon.

(Blake) then let's stay like this for the meantime.

(Y/n)*smiles* alright kitty.

She looks at me with a irritated look.

(Y/n) alright, alright, I won't say it again.

She then lays back on my chest as I hold her waist.

(Y/n mind) she fits so perfectly in my arms.

I soon close my eyes and drifted to sleep.

(Y/n) so, you finally decide to show.

(???) just thought I'd sit back and watch the fireworks.

(Y/n) what's that's suppose to mean.

(???) hehehe, let's just say the monkey is getting impatient, and it will take the cat by force.

(Y/n) since when did you get all mysterious and vague?

I see him start to walk into the darkness.

(???) see you around.

I woke up to see that Blake was gone. I got out of bed and got dressed and looked at the time, it's 11:55.

(Y/n) hmm, perfect timing.

I walk out of my dorm, when I do, I see Yang and Ruby around the corner.

(Yang) hey, ready to go to lunch.

(Y/n) where's did Blake go?

(Ruby) she's in the library, she's reading her new book.

(Y/n) I see.

(Ruby) ok, let's go!

(Y/n) actually I want to talk, in private. Follow me.

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