Dealing with Lackies

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(A/n: sorry for the late update, college has been kicking my ass, three quizzes in the span of two days, and of course it has to be statistics. Well sorry again, and I hope you enjoy.)

I pull out my swords and get ready for this bloodbath. I smiled and charged straight into the group, some white fang grunts tried to cut me down, but they were too slow as I sliced a white fang member across the stomach. He screams in agony as his intestines are sliding out, I then turn to my right to kick another one into some other members, making them fall like dominos. I the dodge to avoid the oncoming assault from behind me, the group of grunts tried to attack me at once. I thrusted my sword into one of the grunts, impaling him through the chest, I threw his corpse behind me knocking someone down.

(Y/n mind) Why? Why do I keep fighting? I have nothing to go back too. I have already casted aside my friends, my sanity is nearly gone, and I have broken Blake's heart.

I then cut the arm of one of the grunts, and cut his head off.

(Y/n mind) why am I thinking of this right now, I need to focus on what's in front of me, I need to kill all who have wronged me!

I then come back to reality to see most of the grunts on the floor dead, my swords covered in blood, the only ones here are the main people, I point my blade up to Cinder.

(Y/n) You are next!

I then see a red blur, and a sharp pain in my side, I check to see that there was a little bit of blood. I look behind me to see Adam with his sword drawn.

(Adam) I see that your aura has gotten stronger.

I then see Mercury, Emerald, and Neo come along side Adam.

(Y/n) this is going to interesting.

I see Mercury come up first along with Neo.

(Mercury) we can take him on.

(Adam) suit yourself.

(Y/n) have you learned anything from our first battle.

(Mercury) I know that you like to charge head on.

I then bolt at him, I raise both my swords above my head. I strike down at him, but Neo blocked the oncoming attack with her umbrella, she pushes me back a little bit. I look back at them to see Neo smirking at me, and two Mercurys.

(Y/n) what the hell is this bullshit.

(Mercury) it's my other semblance, you didn't know I have two.

They both come at me to attack.

(Cinder's POV)

I am watching my team fight Y/n, I wanted Adam to fight him too, but Mercury is had to get cocky, but I am surprised to see Emerald is using her semblance to make Y/n think there are two Mercurys.

(Hazel) shame, I wanted to fight a strong opponent.

(Cinder) he is no man, he is a monster.

(Hazel) I have a question that is bothering me though. Why don't you take care of it? You have the fall maiden power, so why not get it over with quickly?

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