Meeting the wizard of Oz

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Warning violence
Timeskip 9 years later
(Y/n POV)
(Y/n): damn I can't believe it's been nine years since I left that my so called family. Bran has trained me the basics of fighting, but I had to fight my own way.   
Right now Bran went to haven academy for a job, he didn't give me much details.

I'm right now eating at a noodle shop wearing my black armor (same armor look on last page) with
(f/c) lining, my dual katanas at my hip and wearing a kasa on my head. ( this is what a kasa is, for people who don't know)

Then I hear a alarm go off and gunshots are fired behind me

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Then I hear a alarm go off and gunshots are fired behind me. There was a dust store getting robbed, the robbers of four run out of the store and into the noodle shop with guns drawn, two robbers had rifles while one had a pistol and the last had shotgun. All four were wearing black long sleeve, black jeans and ski masks

(Robber 1): everyone get on the ground!

(Robber 2): and no funny business!

(Y/n mind) hmm bunch of idiots, why the hell did they come in here, uh ruining my meal.

(Robber 3) hey, you deaf or something, get on the fuck on the ground!

(Y/n) I'm didn't finish my meal.

Then he cocks back his gun.

(Robber 3) I'm not asking again.

(Y/n) hehehe, and here I thought this day was going to be boring.

(Robber 3) what did you say?

I then grabbed his right arm and bent it the way it shouldn't *SNAP* then I grab the chopstick I was using and plunge them into his eyes

(Robber 3) AHHHHHH!!!!

(Robber 4) SHOOT HIM, SHOOT HIM!!!

I then turn the man around, using one of the robbers as a human shield, I keep him up until I hear their guns have stop firing I let go of the man as he falls to the ground dead, I then pull out both katanas and charge straight at them. The three robbers have finally come to their senses and were about fire again but it was too late, I charged at the man with the shotgun first plunging one of my swords in his chest. I let go of the sword that was in the mans chest, I pivot my foot while bending down to slice the robber's leg clean off, I then headed to the final robber that was pointing his gun at me, before he was able to shoot I cut the gun in half and with another swift motion I stabbed the final robber in the throat he slips off the sword onto the ground

(Y/n) now with that interruption done with.

I hear a whimper from the last living robber on the floor.

(Y/n) oh, your still alive.

(Robber 1) please have mercy, I surrender

(Y/n) you ruined my dinner, now you pay.

I then plunged my sword in to his back, killing him instantly. I then proceed to walk out of the store as the people in the shop sat there in shock. I then hear a woman's voice started speaking

(Female citizen) did you really have to kill.

I didn't say anything as I walk out of the shop and into the streets, I was heading toward my hotel room to clean my self off and to lay in my bed. Until someone spoke up from behind me.

(???) aren't you a gruesome fighter?

(Y/n) well aren't you a creepy stalker?

I turn around to see a man with gray hair, wearing a dark green outfit with a cane. There was also a women with him, she had blonde hair, green bottoms and a white blouse and a black looking corset with a cape of some sort.

(Y/n) well, well, well, if it ain't the wizard of Oz and the wicked witch.

(Witch) what did you say!

(Ozpin) now, now, Glynda he's only joking.

(Y/n) so what does the Ozpin, the headmaster of beacon want with me?

(Ozpin) I'm hear to offer you to come to beacon academy.

(Y/n) so I can be one of those uptight hunters, yea, no thanks.

(Ozpin) is that your final answer.

(Y/n) yes now goodbye.

As I was walking away he said something that made me stop in my tracks.

(Ozpin) this is not was I expecting from a xiao long.

I turn around and pointed my sword at him.

(Y/n) I am not a xio long so don't you EVER put me in the same category as them!

(Ozpin) so what makes you so different?

(Y/n) I am stronger then them. I AM BETTER THAN THEM!!!

(Ozpin) are you so sure of your combat skills? Ok, how about this if you can beat my best student in a duel, I'll let you go and never be bothered again

(Y/n) and if I lose?

(Ozpin) then you join beacon academy.

(Y/n) you got yourself a deal.

(Ozpin) alright, see you at 12:00

(Y/n) later

As I was walking away I was thinking of what just happened.

(Y/n mind) tomorrow is going to be a blast.

A/n: and done, hope you guys like the chapter,again let me know if there is anything I can approve upon or just let me know what you guys think so far. I will try to put out a chapter a day or at most two days, I will see you in the next chapter.

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