Opening your Heart

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I opened the door to see a familiar face that I am happy to see.

(Y/n) *smile* Zwei!

He starts scratching on my leg, I pick him up and he starts licking my face.

(Y/n) hehehe, I missed you buddy.

I then noticed Ruby was at the doorway.

(Y/n) what do you want.

(Ruby) I just thought you want to see zwei.

(Y/n) yea, it's nice to see him.

There was an awkward silence, I give Zwei back to Ruby. I start to close the door when Ruby speaks up.

(Ruby) so, are you excited for the dance.

(Y/n) the only reason I'm going is because Blake is going.

(Ruby) well um, see you there.

She walks back to her dorm.

(Y/n) man that was painful.

I start to think about the dance and what your plan is until you realize.

(Y/n mind) shit, I still need to think of a song I'm going to sing. I never picked up a guitar in my life, what the hell.

(Jaune) Hey.

(Y/n) what is it Jaune.

(Jaune) you seem, stressed.

(Y/n) get to the point.

(Jaune) *sigh* what's wrong.

(Y/n) nothing.

(Jaune) is it because of Sun?

(Y/n) what do you mean.

(Jaune) oh come on, it's pretty obvious that he likes her, I mean, Sun is hanging out with Blake right now.

(Y/n) What!

Jaune points outside the window, I look out it to see Sun talking to Blake, and she's laughing.

(Y/n) Jaune.

(Jaune) yes.

(Y/n) you might want to prepare a funeral.

(Jaune) why?

(Y/n) cause I'm going to kill that monkey!

(Jaune) wait!

He grabs my arm.

(Y/n) what!

(Jaune) this isn't the way to deal with this situation.

(Y/n) ok, got a better idea.

(Jaune) yea, do something romantic for her.

He then let's go of my arm and walks off.

(Y/n) ok, think of something romantic and something that Blake would like.

(???) can't believe we're doing this.

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