A Loving Reunion

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(A/n: ok, so the vote between if Daisy and Blake should have a rivalry is split, so I most likely won't do it, but there will most likely be more tension between Sun an Y/n and maybe death, well enjoy the chapter.)

I finally made it to Blake's house.

(Y/n) alright, time to surprise her.

I knock on the door, a couple minutes went by until I see a woman who looked like Blake, but she had shorter hair and earring. She stood there in surprise and scared look, seeing what was in front of her.

(???) P-Please we didn't do anything, don't hurt us.

(Y/n) what, wait!

Suddenly she slams the door.

(Y/n) awesome first impression.

I knock on the door again.

(Y/n) open up! I don't want to hurt you!

Then suddenly I see the door open and a fist starting to come toward my face, but I dodge it with the skin of my teeth. I jump back to see a very hairy man, who is about the same height as me.

(Y/n mind) that was close

(???) you have two choices, leave here in one piece, or I throw you out with barely any will to live.

(Y/n) wow, this escalated quickly.

(???) leave here now.

(Y/n) what happen to code don't judge a book by its cover.

(???) not if the cover is wearing Grimm fur and skulls, with its hood up.

(Y/n) well it wouldn't help if I put my hood down.

(???) shut up, and leave.

(Y/n) not without seeing Blake.

(???) what do you want from her.

(Y/n) I'm here boyfriend.

(???) bullshit, he died seven months ago.

(Y/n) just let me see Blake.

(???) not happening.

I walk forward as he punches me, knocking my hood off. I see him looking scared, but he tackles me on the ground.

(???) get away from my family you monster.

He punches me, I flip him over to get him off of me.

(Y/n) I'm not going to fight you.

(???) good makes my job easier.

I start dodging his attacks, I move to the side and stick my foot out, causing him to trip.

(Y/n) like I said, I won't fight you.

He gets up and starts to attack me again. I then hear a all to familiar voice behind me.

(Blake) what's going on here?

(???) sweetie, go back inside.

I turn around to see Blake, I stare at her as she stares at me. I then see tears well up in her eyes as she runs over to me, she jumps of my chest and gives me the biggest hug and she starts to cry.

(Blake) Y-Y-YOUR ALIVE!!!

She begins to cry even more, she tries to say something, but she is sobbing so much, that she can't get the words out.

(Y/n) yea, I missed you too Blake.

(???) you have a lot of explaining to do.

We walk into there house with Blake still attached to me. I sit down on the couch as the man and the woman sit across from me.

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