Finding Y/n

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(Shade POV)
It has been 4 months since Y/n has disappeared and there has been no trace of him, well except for the mass killing spree happening to the White Fang. The reports say that they have been brutally killed, no one has been investigating this because Atlas and other members are more focused taking out the remaining Grimm from the Grimm invasion. I am trying to find any leads that would tell us where Y/n would be, with the help of Blake, but this is a lot harder than we realize. We are currently at Yang's and Ruby's house, they were kind enough to let us crash there since Blake's father didn't want anything that would involve Y/n. Seriously, what does Blake's father have against him?

(Shade) this is hopeless, how the hell are we suppose to find him if we don't have any sort of idea where he is going to be.

(Blake) he has to have left some sort of clue or hint to where he's going.

I then see Yang walk into our investigation room, also know as the attic.

(Yang) found anything yet?

(Shade) no, nothing.

(Yang) maybe he's that good at covering his tracks.

(Shade) he might be.

(Blake) we have to find out where he might be.

Yang looks at Blake with a concerned look, and I don't blame her, she has dark circles under her eyes, her hair is a mess and she barely eats.

(Shade) Blake, I think you should take a break from this.

(Blake) why?

(Shade) because you look like a mess.

(Blake) it doesn't matter, I want to at least find some sort of clue.

(Shade) well your not going to find it on an empty stomach and sleep deprived. *sigh* listen I want to help him just as much as you do, we all do, but killing yourself over it isn't going to help anyone. So go rest and eat something, hang out with our friends, just take a break from this.

(Blake) But Y/n is in serious trouble, what would happen if Wrath fully takes over him and he can't regain control.

I put my hand on each of her shoulders.

(Shade) Blake, Y/n is a strong and resilient guy, and I know that first hand, he won't succumb to Wrath that easily.

(Blake) .... your right, he won't give in so easily and I do need strength if I'm going to continue this, thanks Shade.

I see her walk out of the room.

(Yang) I've been trying to convince her to take a break for months.

(Shade) it's not easy for her, she just found out that he is alive and barely a day of seeing him, he's gone again. By the way, where's Ruby?

(Yang) she went on a mission of some sort with Jaune, Nora and Ren.

(Shade) oh, ok.

Everything was quiet for a moment until Yang startled me with her sudden outburst.


(Shade) ok, how does that help us?

(Yang) Junior might know something.

(Shade) I highly doubt that, and even if Y/n went to Junior, why him of all people?

(Yang) because he would be the last person we would think Y/n would go to.

(Shade) that's actually smart, alright let's get ready.

Yang leaves to get ready while I go put on my new armor.
(Looks like this.)


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