Losing My Mind

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I open my eyes to see that I'm in a bedroom.

(Y/n) this room looks familiar.

I look around to see two dressers on each side of the room, along with a nightstand, the lame on the other side of the bed is on.

(Y/n) where am I?

I hear the door opening, I look to who it is and it is Blake, I look at her in shock.

(Y/n) What are you do-

(Blake) shh! I just put them to sleep.

(Y/n) put who to sleep?

(Blake) *giggles* what are you talking about silly, our kids.

I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't say anything.

(Blake) did you hit your head or something?

(Y/n mind) no, this can't be real.

(Blake) you know, it has been awhile since we had any alone time.

She runs her hands down my chest. This touch, I have not felt this feeling in a long time. I don't care if this is real or not, I just want to enjoy this moment. Our lips slowly touch each other, at first it was slow and passionate, but it soon turned into a make out session. I wrap my arms around her hips as she puts her arms around my neck, I feel her start to grind on me, I smile and start to kiss down her neck, her moans sound ecstatic as she moves her hands down south. I am starting to feel at bliss, but soon everything starts glowing white.

(Blake) I love you Y/n.

I open my eyes to see that I am in the middle of the forest, I look down to see that I'm all bandaged up, I put my head back on the tree. I start to remember my dream and my heart starting hurting and tears start to well up.

(Y/n) I wonder how you are doing Blake, did you find someone else yet?

Even sleep is no escape from this hell, I pulled out the picture of me and Blake.

(Y/n) I miss you so much.

I put the picture back in my pocket as I try to forget that dream. I start to recall how I got here, I stumbled into a hospital, they took me in and bandaged me up, I left after seeing the news on how I killed Watts at Haven. I escaped the hospital and wondered into the woods.

(Y/n) great, now I got Atlas on my ass.

I pick myself up, and began to walk in a random direction.

(Y/n) too bad I lost the head somewhere in the process, the nurses probably looked in the bag and I don't know what they did with it, but at least the message.

I'm going after Cinder next, but I don't know where the hell she is, my guess somewhere in Vale. I opened a portal to Vale, when I went through it I saw a familiar looking house.

(Y/n) why the hell did it bring me here.

I am in front of the house that Blake is staying in, lucky for me it is night time here. I then hear a voice behind me.

(Shade) so, your here.

I look behind me to see Shade in a suit.

(Y/n) yea I am, and why are you in a suit?

(Shade) I was just walking my date home.

I see Yang walk up in a dress.

(Y/n) you guys are dating?

(Yang) yea we are, we started dating a couple days after you left.

(Shade) yeah, on the day we were searching for you I began to have feelings for her.

(Y/n) congrats you two.

(Shade) thank you, but onto more important matters.

(Y/n) where do you want to start?

(Yang) Blake, why did you do that to her?

(Y/n) it's for her own good, she should not have to suffer because of me.

(Yang) she doesn't mind as long as you come back to her.

(Y/n) that's the point, I don't know if I can come back to her.

(Shade) so you even know what her condition is? She is pretty beat up about it, but recently she hasn't expressed any emotions.

(Y/n) and you think my end is all sunshine and rainbows?

(Shade) well there is a lot more red in your rainbow.

(Y/n) not now.

(Shade) but in all seriousness, when is this going to stop.

(Y/n) till there all dead.

(Shade) don't you realize that your just feeding that demon, it will consume you.

(Y/n) listen, time is short for me so I got to hunt down Cinder.

(Shade) don't, you will only descend in that hole.

(Y/n) and what do you know?

(Shade) because I was going down that same hole.

(Y/n) no, my hole is much darker.

I opened a portal and walked through it, I ended up somewhere in the town. I begin to the docks, I then see a white fang member patrolling the area. I smiled and snuck up behind him, I pull out one of my swords and put the blade to his neck.

(Y/n) where's Cinder?

He points to a storage building.

(???) over there.

(Y/n) thanks.

I then impaled him with my sword and he falls to the ground. I walk up to the storage house to see it was dark inside.

(Y/n) Cinder! Stop hiding and fight me!

Then the lights turn on to see to see a whole room filled with white fang members, the door shuts behind me to see Mercury, Emerald, and Neo. I look back to see Cinder walk out from the stage looking area.

(Y/n) you had to bring your lackeys to do your dirty work.

(Cinder) I heard you were hunting down specific people and I happened to be on the list, so I thought, why not create a trap for him.

(Y/n) and you think these assholes can take me down?

(Cinder) with a little help.

I look to see Adam and Hazel.

(Cinder) so, here is where you will die, it is a shame to kill someone as powerful as you, but you are our biggest threat.

(Y/n) *smiles* hehehe. HAHAHAHA!!! You all think that this is your chance to kill me, you all think that I am trapped here, in this building. You are all idiots, I'm not trapped in here with you... YOUR STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!!!!

(A/n: well shits going to get real, and we are reaching a close to this story. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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