A Monkey's End

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(A/n: sorry for the late update, I was not feeling it. I worked on it, but it just wasn't there, and I refuse to give you readers a half hearted chapter. Well as you can see I got that feeling back, so without further ado, enjoy.)

I walk in and see Sun in the house.

(Y/n) what the hell are you doing here!?

(Sun) how are you alive!?

(Y/n) you don't need to know, so fuck off.

(Sun) I came here to see how Blake is doing.

(Y/n) she's fine, now leave before I make you leave.

(Sun) not until I talk to her.

(Y/n) fat chance you will, and who let you in here anyway?

(Sun) I let myself in, and I am going to talk to her.

(Y/n) why, so you can try and force yourself on her again?

(Sun) that was because of my heat.

(Y/n) fuck off, or I will kill you. Last warning.

I then noticed Shade was gone, probably to alert the others.

(Sun) yes I still want her, because you don't deserve her.

(Y/n) shut your mouth.

(Sun) you never deserved her, she deserves a guy who can protect her and be confident, not some monster who will eventually turn around and strike her down.

I feel something burning deep inside me, this sensation, the killing intent.

(Y/n) last warning.

(Sun) or what, You'll kill me, go ahead Blake will stop you like the last time, because she secretly cares about me.

(Y/n) that's it!

I was about to draw my swords, but a bow staff comes flying at me and hits me in the face and I go through the window.

(Y/n) your a dead man Sun!

I get up to see him try to kick me, but I barely dodge it. I was about to pull out my swords and attack him, but I then realized... I left my swords on the couch.

(Y/n mind) son of bitch! Fuck it I'll beat him to death.

I start throwing punches, but he dodges all of them.

(Y/n mind) he's gotten faster.

He then tries to hit me again with his bow staff, but I catch it right before it hits me in the face.

(Y/n mind) but I have gotten stronger.

I then pull the bow the bow staff towards me and upper cut him, he gets sent flying into the air. He looks at me with blood trickling down his mouth.

(Sun's POV)

(Sun mind) he has gotten stronger, in one punch he broke through me aura, but I still have a secret weapon, I just have to break through his aura.

He then looks at my bow staff, his arms turn black and he broke my weapon with his knee.

(Y/n POV)

I just broke his bow staff and he looks pissed. I throw the pieces aside.

He then sits still and two clones show up.

(Y/n) his semblance is annoying.

Both his clones come at me and I charge right at him, his clones attack at the same time. I block their attacks, I then grab both of his clones in each hand, one I threw towards Sun, but missed him, and the other I drove him into the ground and it disappeared.

(Y/n) What's wrong monkey boy, can't fight me one on one?

He gets up and gets into fighting position. I rush over to him , he jumps right before I get to him and wraps his tail around my neck. It starts to get tighter and tighter, I struggle to get him off.

(Y/n mind) what the hell I can't shake him loose.

He then kicks me leg in and I fall on my knees, I struggle with every breath as he makes his tail tighter.

(Sun) so what were you saying? Something about killing me.

He then gets on top of me and he starts to punch me in the face, repeatedly. My vision starts to darken from the lack of oxygen.

(Blake) STOP!!!

I look to see Blake and everyone else.

(Blake POV)

(Blake) please, don't do this.

(Sun) you choose this man over me? Why should I stop

(Yang) we will hurt you if you don't stop!

(Sun) then he will die.

Everyone seemed to have their weapons drawn and slowly getting closer, but Sun pulls out daggers.

(Sun) his aura should be low, let's see.

He then plunges one of the daggers in Y/n stomach.

(Blake) please, I'll do anything.

(Sun) anything?

I nod my head.

(Sun) *smiles* I want you to come with me.

I look at Y/n to see that he has changed, he has gotten paler and his hair turned white.

(Y/n POV)

(Wrath) why are you restricting your blows, he is going to have his way with her. Are you gonna let that happen?

(Y/n) NOOOO!!'

Then everything started to turn red. I start to feel more powerful, more... unrestricted. I look at him as he looked at me, and he looked terrified. I get my arm free and grabbed him by the shirt.

(Y/n) you should have killed me when you had the chance.

I then get my other arm free and slam him on the ground, at that point, I felt his tail getting loose. I roll on top and begin to punch him repeatedly, no one seemed to stop me, but I didn't care. I then stop to see his face in a bloody mess. I then kick him in his stomach and I step on his back.

(Y/n) humans say the tails of a Faunus are really sensitive, let's find out.

I grad his tail and pulled with all my strength. I heard something ripping and a blood curdling scream. I then put his tail around his neck and I begin to pull.

(Y/n) I'm finishing what I started.

I began to choke him, he struggles, but I keep up the pressure, soon it becomes less resistant. I look at him and I drop him to the ground.

(Y/n) no, no.

I look at his state, he begins to get up and he looks like he still wants to fight.

(Y/n) no, that was way to easy for you to die.

I then punched him in the face, he then falls to the ground. I look at my stomach to see the dagger still in me, I pull it out and look at him. I get on top of him and begin to stab him repeatedly at his chest, I the punch him some more. I look at him and smile, I took my thumbs and begin to dig them into his eyes, he starts to struggle, he tries to scream, but the blood gushing out of his mouth wouldn't allow it. I kept digging my thumbs deeper until he stopped moving.
(Y/n did something like this to Sun)

I then took out my thumbs out of his sockets and I looked at the group of people standing there. They didn't look at me and saw a man... they looked at me as if I was a monster, and that group, were my friends.

(A/n: the beast has been unleashed. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter. P.S holy crap, I can't believe I will be 20 by tomorrow.)

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