Breaking a Monkey

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(A/n: this chapter is coming a lot sooner because it is a thank you for all my followers and viewers out there, I can not express how much gratitude I have for all of you. Well enjoy the chapter.)

(Yang POV)

I saw Sun trying to have is way with Blake, I was pissed because he tried to do this to my friend, but I felt an aura spike, I looked next to me to see Y/n standing there. I look at his arms to see that he has activated his semblance, I was going to stop him from killing Sun, but I couldn't move, my body froze up in fear. I look at my teammates to see that there scared too. Y/n then let out his rage.


He charged at Sun, before he could react he grabbed his collar and threw, Sun went flying through a window. We then see Y/n jump after Sun, I turn to Blake to see how she is, she is shaking.

(Blake) *sobbing* h-h-he forced m-me, I-I did not cheat on Y/n.

(Yang) calm down Blake, he knows you would never do that, Ruby stay with Blake, me and Weiss will try to stop Y/n from killing Sun, even though he does deserve it.

(Y/n POV)

I threw Sun out the window, I jumped out after him, when I landed he looked at me.

(Sun) look man, I'm sorry, I-I was in heat and I don't know what came over me.

I then appeared in front of him and grabbed his throat.

(Y/n) I'm gonna watch you die slowly.

I was about to punch him, but one of clones kicked me, making me let go of him.

(Y/n) you think you clones will save you? I'll break them and you.

One of the clones tries to hit me with his bow staff, but I catch it mid swing and uppercut the clone. I charged toward him and punched him in the face, sending him through a couple of trees. I walk over there to see him groaning in pain. He then kicked my in the face, then he uses his tail to pull my leg out from under me, he then knees me in the face and bashed my head across the tree. He was about to knee me again, but I grabbed it and punched him in the gut hard enough for him to cough up blood. I then hit him in the face making his nose and mouth all bloody. He tries to retaliate by hitting me, but I grab his arm and forced his arm to bend the other way, breaking it in the process. I keep hitting him in the face over and over and over till he falls on the ground, his face covered in blood.

(Sun) stop, please... you'll kill me.

I don't say anything, I just grab is left arm and bent it back, just like is right arm. I kicked him in the chest making him fall on his back.

(Sun) please, have mercy.

(Y/n) I'm all out of mercy.

I then punch punch him in the chest, when I did I heard one loud crack. I hear him whimpering, blood coming out of his mouth.

(Y/n) get up fucker, I ain't done yet.

I punch him in the gut again, he hunched over and I then grabbed his head and pull back making him fall backwards onto my knee, I then hear a loud crack and a pop. He rolls off my knee landing on his front, his back pointing to the sky, I then grab his head and proceed to bash his head on the ground multiple times. I make him go on his knees and make him look at me.

(Y/n) have you ever wondered, if a monkey Faunus can be strangled by his own tail? Let's find out.

I grab his tail and wrapped it around his neck, I then pulled on both ends of the tail, seeing him start to choke. There wasn't much resistance, which I didn't mind, making him watch as his life fades away, but before I could make it any tighter I stopped, my body won't move, I struggle but it was all in vain. I look up to see JNPR, RWBY, Glynda and Ozpin.

(Ozpin) I think that is enough Y/n.

(Y/n) no, he deserves this.

(Jaune) this isn't who you are anymore, your not a killer.

(Y/n) that's where your wrong, I still kill people.

(Pyrrha) this isn't right, you should let him go, and let the authorities deal with it.

(Y/n) sometime, you got to take matters into your own hands.

I try to move, but nothing, I look to see who is doing this to see that it was Glynda.

(Nora) but killing Sun won't help you. You will end up looking like a monster in others eyes.

(Y/n) what does it matter, if they already see me as one.

(Ren) Y/n, just do the right thing and let him go, he's been punished enough.

I can feel myself start to move again.

(Y/n) no, it's not even close to enough.

I can feel myself almost free, I can see Glynda struggling.

(Ozpin) if you continue this, we will have to hurt you if necessary.

(Y/n) go ahead, he'll be dead before you can move.

(Blake) please Y/n, let him go.

(Y/n) Blake.

(Blake) please, let Ozpin deal with him, Please don't do this.

(Y/n) why, he tried to have his way with you... how can you just simply let it go.

(Blake) I'm not, I'm just letting it be done appropriately.

(Y/n) this is appropriate.

(Blake) Y/n please, do this for me, this is what I want to do with him. So let Ozpin deal with him.

I look down at his sorry state and let him go. I see Ren and Jaune pick him up and carry him to the infirmary.

(Weiss) I think they need some alone time.

Weiss then gets Yang and Ruby away, leaving only me and Blake there.

(Blake) Y/n listen, I-I didn't... Sun forced-

(Y/n) Blake, I saw what happened, I saw that he was forcing you to do it.

She then smiles and hugs me, I hug her back.

(Blake) can we go to your other dorm.

(Y/n) sure.

We walked to my old dorm. When we did I went into the bathroom to wash the blood off my hands, I strip and went into the shower, cleaning my self up. When I got in, I started washing myself, until I heard the bathroom door open to see blur figure of Blake.

(Y/n) you alright Blake?

She walks toward the glass door and slides it open, reviling a naked Blake.

(Y/n) B-B-Blake, w-what's going on.

She then steps in and leans on my chest.

(Blake) you know, that was very sweet how you saved me.

(Y/n) of course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't save my girlfriend.

She smiles and leans up to my ear.

(Blake) you know, this is also the time where cats go into heat too.

I look at her and blush a deep red.

(Blake) will you help me with my heat.

(Y/n) hehe, this went to zero to a hundred pretty fast.

She looks down.

(Blake) oh, I'm sorry, are you not comfortable with this?

I put my finger under her chin and make her look at me.

(Y/n) I like it when things get heated pretty quickly.

I kiss her and she returns the gesture. This is going to be a long night.

(A/n: hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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