My True Self

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I sit upon my throne thinking about what Blake said and it is really getting to me, I try to forget about it, but to no avail, it's been almost a month since then. I have two beowolves laying down next to me. I look up to see someone emerge from the shadows.

(Bran) so, did you establish your dominance yet?

(Wrath) yea, I did, now tell me this big fuck reveal.

(Bran) what, have you not realized it yet, have you not figured it out? Y/n.

(Wrath) What are you talking about?

(Bran) I'm not talking to you Wrath, I'm talking to Y/n.

(Wrath) Y/n is gone!

(Bran) shut your mouth you imaginary fucker. I'm talking to Y/n.

(Wrath) You dare to talk to me this way!

(Bran) you know Y/n, Wrath isn't real.

(Wrath) What the hell? I'm right fucking-...!!

I fall onto the floor with my head feeling like it's going to split open. My vision starts to get blurry and then darkness.

(Y/n POV)

I open my eyes to see Bran standing over me. I shot up and looked around to see that we are in a dark room, I cannot see anything except myself and Bran, it's like we are floating in darkness.

(Y/n) where am I?

(Bran) I'm your head.

(Y/n) wonderful. Wait, where's Wrath.

(Bran) not with us, and do you know why he's not with us?

(Y/n) no, I don't.

(Bran) that's because he is not real, he was never real.

(Y/n) of course he is. He took over my mind.

(Bran) no, he didn't take over your mind. You let it take over.

(Y/n) the hell are you talking about?

(Bran) let me explain. Wrath was a imaginary character that you made up, he was suppose to deal with pain, suffering, and the hatred that was burning you up. You made him into this powerful monster so you can deal with the loneliness, the feeling of being trapped in your dark room, but that is not the reason you made him. You made him powerful enough so that nobody would think of hurting you, but most importantly, so that no one can take anything from you. Deep down, your a kind hearted person, who would show his loved ones compassion and protect them with your life, but you were afraid to show it, you were afraid that if you opened your heart, if you let them see your true colors, they would destroy the only thing you have left. Why do you think when you were in a relationship with Blake, Wrath was trying to convince you to break off your connection with her? It's because he was dying, because you didn't need him, why would you when you have Blake. The girl that made you smile, made you feel happiness, made you feel... loved.

(Y/n) then why didn't I go back to her?

(Bran) because you were afraid that Blake would not love you the same as she did back at beacon, that she would throw your love away and be with someone else. You were about to accept that, until you thought you saw her die, after that you couldn't take the pain, so you let Wrath take control, doing exactly what you made him to do.

I start to think on his words and I thought about all the good times I had with Blake, our first date, our first kiss, our first dance, and our first time. I realized that the whole time I was thinking I couldn't be repaired, but in reality, I was already fixed by Blake's love. But I...I still had my insecurities, I was afraid of Blake seeing my demons... afraid, that my demons would scare her away from my life. I see now that even after all I did, after all I've become... she still loves me with all her heart.

(Y/n) I'm a real fool to think that her love for me was so weak.

(Bran) there is still hope.

(Y/n) how? Everyone thinks I'm Wrath.

(Bran) then show them that you have changed, show them that you are not a monster, show them that you are Y/n... the real Y/n.

I look up at him to see that he was gone. The room that I was in started to crumble, I then opened my eyes to see that I was on the floor. I got up to see I was in my throne room, I look down and saw two beowolves looking at me with concern, I pet their heads and they sat down. I opened a portal, I was about to go through it until I hear two whines, I looked back to see my beowolves looking sad.

(Y/n) *sigh* come on.

They got excited and came with me through the portal. I came out the other side to see that it was dusk, I see a strange house and I start to hear commotion in there, so I went up to it and looked inside. I see that there are balloons everywhere, a cake and people celebrating someone's birthday. I try to see who's birthday it is, I see a banner that says Happy Birthday Blake.

(Y/n) oh just my fucking luck.

(A/n: Hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)
(A/n: P.S lemon will be next chapter.)

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