Burning and Building Bridges

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(A/n: ok for a future chapter do you guys want a lemon chapter or no, let me know and I'll make it happen. P.S I'm publishing this again because I got some comments saying that there was problems with the chapter, so I hope this works, let me know and enjoy.)

(???) are you seriously going to forgive them, even after what they have done.

(Y/n) I don't know yet.

(???) your seriously considering becoming a family again.

(Y/n) ...

(???) have you forgotten the hell they put us through. They wanted you dead, your sisters beat you until we could barely move a muscle, how many days did they not feed you? And yet you want to just forget about all that.

(Y/n) no, no one just forgets about that.

(???) exactly, if they truly wanted to be a family then they would have treated us like trash. The Y/n they knew is dead, he got mauled by a beowolf, we are something better, we are a force to be reckon with, we are the fires of vengeance, and we will bring our wraith upon this world!

(Y/n)... your right. They made me who I am today, they put me through hell, and now, I will show them the monster they have made.

I wake up and look at the time to see that it was noon.

(Y/n mind) damn, I slept for that long.

I then hear the dorm door open to see my teammates covered in food.

(Y/n) what the hell happened to you guys?

(Jaune) there was a food fight between us and RWBY.

(Nora) AND WE WON!!!

(Y/n) nice to know.

(Pyrrha) so what made you sleep all the till noon?

(Y/n) let's just say it was long night.

(Ren) about?

(Y/n) don't want to talk about it. Anyway I going to go to Vale.

(Pyrrha) you do realize we still got another class to go to right.

(Y/n) I already missed most of my classes, along with the day, so I might as well skip the rest.

I walked to the bullhead to land at Vale. When I got there I walked to the noodle stand.

(Y/n) haven't been here for a while.

I ordered my food, when it arrived I heard someone sit across from me.

(???) so you wanna find out what Roman is up too?

(Y/n) yea, I do.

(???) are you just doing it for her?

(Y/n) part of it, but I'm interested in what's Roman planning. I may not have worked with the man, but I know of him. He usually doesn't get his hands dirty, but when he's like this, he's planning something big.

(???) have you not noticed recently.

(Y/n) what.

(???) the Grimm are getting more active.

(Y/n) what makes you say that.

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