The Calm before the Storm

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(???) you should have killed him.

(Y/n) it's not what Blake wanted.

(???) ... and what happens if he tries again, and your not there for her?

(Y/n) that won't happen, I've sent a clear enough message.

(???) That may work with some people... others have a completely opposite effect.

(Y/n) your saying that he will try again?

(???) you already know that answer.

I then awake to see myself looking at the ceiling. I look down at my chest to see Blake peacefully sleeping.

(Y/n) I won't let that happen.

I see Blake stir in her sleep, I put my arms around her and begin to think.

(Y/n mind) what did I do to deserve this, I got friends, a team, and the best girl in the whole world.

I then see Blake slowly wake up and looks up at me.

(Blake) morning babe.

(Y/n) morning cutie.

She gives me a quick peck on the lips and lays her head back on my chest. Then my scroll rings, I pick it up to see that it was Ozpin.

(Y/n) hello.

(Ozpin) Y/n, can you meet me in my office.

(Y/n) alright, I'll be right there.

I hang up the phone and look at Blake.

(Blake) awww, but I don't want to move.

(Y/n) I'll be back.

I kiss her forehead.

(Blake) ok.

She rolls off of me as I get dressed and head over to Ozpin's office.

(Ozpin) Y/n, please have a seat.

I sit down.

(Ozpin) ok, I will overlook that... outburst you took out on Sun.

(Y/n) I appreciate it, but I don't think you called out here just to tell me that.

(Ozpin) your right, the Vytal festival is coming up, but I would like to send RWBY on a... expeditionary mission.

(Y/n) ok skip the reasons and all, just tell me what you want me to do?

(Ozpin) I want you to accompany them.

(Y/n) alright, when do we leave?

(Ozpin) 3:00

(Y/n) alright.

I walk back to my dorm, but I thought of something. I walk to the cafeteria and grab some breakfast.

(Y/n) eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice and milk.

I put the food on the trays, but I can hear people talking about me.

(???) isn't that the guy who put Sun in the hospital?

(???) I heard he tried to kill him.

(???) I saw it happen, he was brutal.

(???) man, he's no better than the Grimm.

(???) doesn't he have a girlfriend?

(???) yea, he does, I bet she's only with him out of pity.

(???) do you think he forced her?

I walk out of the cafeteria, I got to my dorm to see Blake laying in bed.

(Blake) hey babe.

(Y/n) hey, I brought breakfast.

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