Man vs Machine

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(A/n: this ones a little shorter than the rest of them, but I'll make it up to you guys. Any onward with the chapter.)
We were about to head out until monkey boy said something.

(Monkey boy) what about your wounds, your in no condition to fight.

(Y/n) I'll be fine. You worry about you and I worry about me.

We then head out to a base where there were a lot of white fang gathering.

(Sun) you do realize you can't go in with us.

(Y/n) really, what makes you say that, is it the fact I'm not a Faunus or the fact that I'm covered in blood.

(Sun) you always such a dick all the time.

(Y/n) only those to people I don't like. Anyway I will get in another way, you guys do your original plan.

I start to head on the side of the base and start to climb.

(Y/n) this is going to be a pain in the ass.

I finally reach the top to see a hatch in the middle of the ceiling.

(Y/n) hmm, what a coincidence.

I opened the hatch to see a cat walk, I land on the cat walk to see no one there.

(Y/n) you think you would put guards up here?

I look down to see a whole lot of white fang members and Roman.

(Y/n) since when did white fang work with humans.

He starts talking about how this worlds corrupt and we'll cleanse it bullshit, blah blah blah.

(Y/n) I'm going to die if I have to listen any longer to his speech.

Then he says something interesting.

(Roman) I have Atlas's latest technology.

He pulls off the huge sheet to see a huge robot.

(Y/n) the fuck is that.

Then the lights go out.
(A/n: like I said, just role with it.)

(Y/n) nice timing.

There is now a commotion going on, so I decide to get Roman. I land right on top of him with my sword at his throat.

(Roman) Y-Y/n, what are you doing here.

(Y/n) I'm here for personal matters.

(Roman) listen, if you get me out of here, I'll make it worth your wild.

(Y/n) sorry, money ain't going to bribe me out of this.

I then feel something go into my back and through my stomach region.

(Y/n) hrrrr... shit.

I feel the blade come out and the person who did it walked in front.

(Roman) nice job Neo.

She looks at me and smiles, then kicks me in the jaw.

(Blake POV)

I was about to escape, but I looked back at Roman to see y/n is on top of him, but then a girl with pink and brown hair, stabs him in the back.

(Blake) nooo!

I jump off the window and run up to him to see that he is not moving.

(Roman) awww, did I kill your boyfriend, kitty cat.

I look up to see him in a robot suit. He hits me, I go flying through the wall and in to the street.

(Y/n POV)

I see that Blake got hit outside.

(Y/n mind) I'm going to kill the bastard.

I try to get up, but I couldn't move, my body isn't listening to me, I can see Yang, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake fighting Roman. That was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

(Roman POV)

Right now I am fighting these four girls and two other guys with my Atlesian paladin.

(Roman) man, these kids are resilient, but still not experienced yet.

I hit the girl in yellow with my arm. Then I fire my missiles at the blonde guy to see him get saved by a guy in blue hair.

(Roman) this will end quickly.

I then hit the Faunus with that cat ears and pointed a gun at her.

(Roman) later kitty cat.

Before I can fire it, something really fast hits the shoulder part and malfunctions.
(A/n: something like this.)

(Roman) what the hell.

I look to see a bloodied y/n.

(Roman) how is he still standing!?

He then turns around and looks at me, but something is different, he had this black aura surrounding him, he looked like the devil in human form. He then starts to get ready for another attack, I fired the missiles, but he dodged them. He then cut the leg off the paladin, he then swiftly cut it in half. I jump out of the seat as the paladin fell to the ground in piece.

(Y/n POV)

(???) yes. Let the rage consume you, let it all out.

I start letting it consume me, until I hear a loud crash. I regain my senses to see Roman on the ground.

(Y/n) it's over Roman!

I then hear a helicopter, I look up to see a bright light. A rope drops down near Roman and he grabs on.

(Roman) I'll see you later.

He then takes off.

(Y/n mind) shit, that sneaky bastard.

(???) So, um, who are you.

(Y/n) the guy who just saved your lives.

I look over to Blake and she is surrounded by her team.

(Y/n) hmm, they seem happy.

I then feel sick, I look down to see that I am bleeding profusely.

(Y/n) shit.

Everything starts spinning and I can hear my own heartbeat. I fall to the ground and the last thing I heard was someone saying something to me.

(???) here we go again.

(A/n: hope you guys like it and I wish all you guys a Merry Christmas, happy New Years and happy holidays. I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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