Hunting Watts

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I exited the portal to see a bunch of trees.

(Y/n) looks like I'm on the outskirts of there base, if I remember correctly it's this way.

I start to walk for sometime until I hear someone behind me.

(???) stop moving or I'll make you stop.

(Y/n) take me to see Raven.

She puts a very familiar looking rapier near my neck.

(???) and why would I do that?

I look behind me to see a woman with short black hair and blue eyes.

(Y/n) where did you get that rapier?

(???) none of your business.

I quickly turn around, I grab the rapier's blade and head butted her. I then kicked her legs out from under her and got on top of her, pinning her arms above her head.

(Y/n) where the fuck did you get that rapier!

(???) up your ass.

She then flips me off of her and gets the rapier back.

(???) now, where were we?

(Y/n) I then draw my swords, ready to fight until I hear a familiar voice behind the woman.

(Raven) Vernal, what are you doing?

(Vernal) it's the intruder from before.

Raven looks at me, she at first doesn't recognize me, probably because I have white hair, my eyes look like there bloodshot, and I'm more paler than usual. My appearance has changed because of this fucking power.

(Raven) Y/n?

(Y/n) who else?

(Raven) you look different, what happened to you?

(Y/n) why do you care? You didn't ten years ago.

(Raven) listen, if you let me explain-

(Y/n) just shut up, I don't have time for this, now your going tell me where Dr. Watts is.

I turn to Vernal.

(Y/n) Also I want you to tell me where you got that rapier.

(Vernal) I thought you didn't have time for anything else.

(Y/n) if you hurt Weiss, I'm going to rip your throat out.

(Vernal) is that a threat? I don't like being threatened.

(Y/n) no, that not a threat, that was a promise.

(Raven) both of you, calm down. I will return Weiss to you.

(Y/n) good.

We go to the camp, and the first thing I see is Weiss locked in a cage.

(Weiss) Y/n? Oh my Oum, what happened to you?

(Y/n) long story, anyway let me take care of some... problems and I'll take you somewhere safe.

(Vernal) release her, but if she tries anything, don't be afraid to take her down.

Raven then escorts me to her tent, she shows me a seat. I sit down and she starts to talk.

(Raven) any particular reason why your looking for Watts.

(Y/n) you don't need to know, either you tell me where he is, or there will be a lot of bloodshed.

(Raven) violence isn't the only answer.

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