Asking for Forgiveness

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(Y/n) a dance.

(Jaune) yea, so you can take your special someone and get your groove on.

(Y/n)... well I could ask Blake out, so it won't be so bad.

(Pyrrha) yea, why don't you go ask her.

I walk out of my dorm and go to RWBYs dorm. I knock on the door to hear Ice princess yelling.


As she opens the door she sees me.

(Y/n) good to know ice princess, I didn't want to go with you either.

(Weiss) ugh, what do you want.

(Y/n) I'm looking for Blake.

(Weiss) she's in the library, good luck trying to get her out of there.

I start to walk toward the library.

(Y/n mind) man, she is a brat.

I walk into the library seeing her looking at a computer screen.

(Y/n) hey Blake.

(Blake) hello Y/n.

(Y/n) I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance.

(Blake) no.

(Y/n) alright then maybe just hang out.

(Blake) listen Y/n, I'm very busy.

(Y/n) will you at least look at me.


(Y/n) Blake.

I turn her around to see that she looks a mess, she has bloodshot eyes along with bags under her eyes and she looked pale.

(Y/n) Blake, when was the last time you slept.

(Blake) I don't need sleep, I need to find out what the white fang's next move is.

(Y/n) Blake stop, you need to take a break.

(Blake) do you think they are taking breaks, no they are plotting something and I need to find out what.

(Y/n) I understand where your coming from, but they can wait.

(Blake) no it can't, now either help me find them or don't disturb me.

She turns back to the screen.

(Y/n) Blake.

I turn her around and hug her.

(Y/n) there are reasons why I do not want to purse this. But if you want this done, then you have to promise me to let me do this by myself.

(Blake) but, I want to help.

(Y/n) please Blake, to find the answers you are looking for, I will have to use my methods of getting information. I will find the answers your looking for, just get some rest, and let me worry about them.

She hesitates at first, but soon smiles and hugs me back.

(Blake) ok, but promise me to tell me any information first.

(Y/n) I promise.

(Blake) are you going to the dance?

(Y/n) depends if you are going.

(Blake) my team is going to bug me to go so yea, I am.

(Y/n) well then I got no other choice than to accompany you.

I then remember what I have to do tonight. I look towards Blake and she has a worried look.

(Blake) what's wrong.

(Y/n) what do you mean.

(Blake) you went into deep thought.

(Y/n) guess there's no use. *sigh* I told Yang and Ruby that I would agree to talk with them.

(Blake) isn't that good?

(Y/n) I don't know... I'm conflicted.

(Blake) well whatever you choose, I'll support you.

She then gives me a quick peck on the lips and walks off.

(Y/n) what did I do to deserve her.

I then walked back to my dorm, thinking about what I'm going to do when me and my "sisters" meet up... that's if they show up.

(Time skip to 11:50)

I am currently at "our" house sitting on top of a tree, waiting for them to show up.

(Y/n) I wonder if they will show up.

(Ruby's POV)

Me and Yang are walking toward our front porch, we look at the time to see that is is 11:59.

(Ruby) we aren't late, are we?

(Yang) no we shouldn't be, he said midnight.

We wait, I am getting worried that he won't show up.

(Ruby) Yang, it's 12:00 and he's not here.

(???) so you did make it on time.

We looked behind us to see Y/n jump off the tree.

(Y/n POV)

I jumped off the tree, when I saw them both here there were so many thing running through my head. Yang was the one to speak up first.

(Yang) so why did you want us to meet here specifically.

(Y/n) because this place was where I was raised and where I died.

They looked at me with confusion.

(Y/n) oh, yea, you don't know what happened to me on the day I went missing.

(Ruby) we thought you ran away.

(Y/n) not exactly, remember on the day I went "missing" you, Ruby locked the door outside. I banged on the door, screaming on the top of my lungs, begging for anyone to let me in. I limped away from the door and into the forest, not knowing where it would take me. Until I was attacked by a Beowolf, I felt it's claws digging into to my intestines as it bites down into my neck. I don't know how I survived, but that's what happened to me. Now, knowing what happened to me and knowing what you did to me, do you guys think there's a chance in hell I'll forgive you guys.

(Ruby) we can try... I mean we are truly sorry for what we did to you.

She looks like she is about to cry.

(Ruby) I wish I could go back in time and change what we did... *sniffle* I wish we could have shown you the love that you deserved.

She starts to bawl.


She is crying uncontrollably, while holding on to Yang. Yang is speechless to her sisters words, and honestly I'm a little stunned by it too.

(Y/n mind) I really hope no one heard that.


I start to walk away.

(Yang) even after Ruby poured her heart out to you, you still won't forgive us?!

(Y/n) I...I don't know. I will think on what has happened. Then you'll have my answer.

(Yang) please, when can we expect it.

(Y/n mind) so damn pushy.

(Y/n) ... I will let you know, right now it is too early to say.

I walk toward the forest, remembering the place where I almost died.

(Y/n) can I truly forgive them for what they have done to me.

(A/n: ok well Hope you guys like it, and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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