Feild Trip

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(A/n: sorry for the late publish, I got sick.  Thank you for being patient. Sorry well here's the chapter, enjoy.)
(???) I see your making new friends.

(Y/n) ...

(???) it's been a week since you found Blake, and she is obsessed with trying to find out what the white fang's move is. Yet you don't help, why is that?

(Y/n) because it is better if she doesn't know.

(???) so you prefer to watch her suffer? *smiles* wake up y/n, wake up.

(Pyrrha) y/n, wake up.

(Y/n) what? What's wrong.

(Pyrrha) come on, we got to get ready for our field trip.

(Y/n) what trip?

(Pyrrha) remember, from Miss Goodwitch class.

(Y/n) oh, that.

I get up to go to the bathroom and do my usual routine. I walk out fully dressed to see everyone ready to go.
(Time skip to the forest)

As we landed I see everyone trying to group with there teams. As Goodwitch, was explaining about the sap and how to collect it.

(Y/n) this is a waste of time.

(Nora) aww, come on y/n, this will be fun, you got us and we are partners with team RWBY.

(Y/n mind) this is hell.

(Y/n) hey, where is Jaune.

(Pyrrha) he went with his new buddies.

She points to where Jaune is and I see that he is with team CRDL.

(Y/n) oh, yea.

(Pyrrha) you act like your not surprised.

I motion her to come closer and I leaned close to her ear.

(Y/n) Jaune has a little secret.

(Pyrrha) you mean how he faked his transcripts.

(Y/n) you know about that.

(Pyrrha) yea, I've been training him to get better.

(Y/n) well Cardin knows about it too.

She has this look of shock and worry in her.

(Pyrrha) how are we going to help him.

(Y/n) easy, we don't.

(Pyrrha) WHAT!!! What do you mean not help him! He's our leader and our friend, yet you would rather sit idly by and watch him suffer!

(Y/n) you done. Good, now listen, I'm not saying that we should just leave him to his own demise. I'm saying that this is a good situation, what if he fights the enemy who has a upper hand on him. Let's see what he does and if things get out of hand, well help.

(Pyrrha) I-I... *sighs* ok I guess I can see that, but if this gets out of hand I'm stopping this.

(Y/n) alright.

I walk around to try to find a tree with a lot of sap on it, along the way I saw two people that still remind me of painful memories, my sisters.

(Yang) y/n, how is it going.

(Y/n) shit now that you guys are here.

(Ruby) y/n please, we are trying to apologize to you.

(Y/n) and what, forget everything you guys did to me.

(Yang) listen, we were kids, we didn't know what we were doing.

(Y/n) so what, that's not an excuse.

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