A oppertunity

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( a/n: Ok for some reason this chapter got deleted so I'm rewriting it. Also this is Bran.)

(Bran POV)

I just came back from a job, had to kill some people, but it didn't matter, as long as I get payed. As I started walking back to my house I hear a kid screaming, I go to the source to see a beowolf about to kill this kid. I run up to the beowolf and stabbed him with my knife in the chest, it tried to shake me off m, but I pull the knife back as it cuts open it's chest. It drops to the ground dead, I go check up on the kid to see if he is still even alive and to my surprise he is. I pick him up and rush to my house to get him healed.

(Bran's mind) I don't know why I am doing this, maybe it's my good deed of the day.

(Y/n POV)

I open my eyes to see a wooden roof.

(Y/n) is this heaven?

(Bran) not even close kid.

I look to see a strange man with robot parts.

(Bran) so what is a kid doing here in the middle of the woods?

(Y/n) ...

(Bran) you don't have talk, I'll just send you back to your parents.

(Y/n) No!

(Bran) why not, it will get you out of my hair.

(Y/n) be-because I don't want to, I don't want to go back there and get beaten, I don't want to be treated like trash anymore*sobbing* I want to get stronger, to show them that I am not weak, that I am not a waste of air.*sobbing*

(Bran) so what's your motivation?

(Y/n) what?

(Bran) you can't just say you want to get stronger and it magically happens. You have to work hard at it, not only that, there are people who want to prove to you that you are weak. So I'm asking you, when you are beaten and on the ground, what is going to make you stand up? Is it for justice? Is it so no other kid has to suffer like you did? Or is it for revenge?


(Bran) so you want to beat your family up just like they did to you?

(Y/n) I-I-I...

(Bran) *sigh* whatever your answer is, that's your business. Now get your things and scram.

(Y/n) w-wait!

(Bran) what is it now?

(Y/n) please, train me to be stronger.

(Bran) why should I?

(Y/n) please, I have no where else to go... Please.

(Bran) *sigh* fine I'll teach you a few thing, just stop crying.

(Y/n) t-thank you!

(Bran) just don't copy my style. You will have to learn what your good at, not what other people are good at, that is your first lesson kid.

(A/n: ok chapter done, hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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