Painful memories

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(Y/n dream)
(???) your such a weakling *SMACK*

(???) why are you even still alive *CRACK*

(???) do us a favor and just die, it will make our lives a lot easier *SLAM*

As I look up as see two demons bombarding me with fist and insults, but they look so familiar. After what feels like hours they finally stop and walk away, but I heard two names that sent chills down my spine.

(???) come on Ruby, let's leave this filth to the Grimms.

(???) oh come on Yang, even the Grimm wouldn't want to touch that thing.

(Yang/Ruby) hahahahahahahahaha

I abruptly woke up in a cold sweat, body shaking even in this warm weather, and breathing heavily like I ran a marathon.

(Y/n) it's ok y/n, it was just a dream.

I get out bed and head to the bathroom I look at my self in the mirror to see my black hair in a mess and my crimson eyes that looked like I went through hell,
I did my everyday routine, take a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast. I remembered I had to go to beacon for the bet Ozpin made. I started heading out at the location the bullhead was suppose to pick me up.
(Ozpin POV) at beacon
I was on my way to the landing platform to pick up y/n. Glynda is walking with me, she started to speak to me.

(Glynda) why do you want y/n to join our school that badly, I mean he already said flat out he doesn't want to, and he is not student material

(Ozpin) I don't see that, when I looked at him, all I saw is a genuine kind boy, who wants to help and protect people and Faunus alike, I can see him doing amazing things, his heart is just clouded by the distrust and anger he has for this world, but most of all he has fear.

(Glynda) what do you mean?

(Ozpin) fear of if he opens his heart to anyone or to let people see his true colors, that he will just get hurt.

Their conversation is cut short by a bullhead landing and as the young man stepped out.

(Y/n POV)
As I stepped out of the bullhead I was greeted by Ozpin and Miss witch.

(Goodwitch) if you would follow me.

I followed her around until we got to this arena looking area, students were sitting in seats with black uniforms.

(Y/n) I hate uniforms, never liked the idea of everyone having the same get up.

When I was about to enter the arena to wait for my opponent until I saw two people I wished that I never see again, my sisters. I stood there frozen as I stared at them, all the memories started to flood my mind, all the times they beat me up, called me weak, all I felt was rage. They didn't recognize me because of my kasa(samurai hat) that I am wearing. I was still in my thoughts until I saw a woman in a red Roman looking outfit with a sword and shield, she has crimson hair that is done up in a loosely gathered ponytail and green eyes.

(Y/n) you, you are the best fighter in this school, you got a name.

(Pyrrha) the names Pyrrha and yes I haven't lost a fight.

(Y/n) until now.

(Pyrrha) you think highly of yourself.

(Y/n) hmm there's a reason for that.

(Goodwitch) Fight!!

The second I heard that, I charged in with two swords drawn, but she was quicker that I thought as she put up her shield to block the attack. I quickly leap back and smirked.

(Y/n) not bad.

(Pyrrha) I got more up my sleeves.

As we resumed our fight she struck back with her sword, but I blocked it she continue to attack, but then she shield bash me which I didn't expect as it knocked me back a couple of feet.

(Y/n mind) shit, I'm getting to careless.

She charged toward me with her shield, I barley dodge that, then before I had time to breath her sword is inches from my face, I rolled back but she managed to pierce my hat that was hiding my face.

(Ruby POV)
As I saw the man fighting Pyrrha, she managed to get his hat, as I saw the face it was, my brother... I looked at Yang and she had a guilty look on her face too. Everyone is sorry for all the things we did to him and wanted to make up for it, we thought he was dead, but there he is. Pyrrha just uppercut him with her shield, a loud crack can be heard all through the classroom as his aura is in the red as he fall to his knees, I guess it's over.

(Y/n POV)
(Y/n mind) SHIT, what the hell happen one second I'm swinging my swords and suddenly they freeze in mid air, what the hell is her semibalence.

She then uppercuts me with her shield.

(Y/n mind)Damn my jaws cracked or broken. Damn I'm on my knees looking down at the ground with blood on the floor, this seems familiar.

As I look up to see that woman, but all I saw was Yang and Ruby standing there laughing calling me weak and useless. I felt my blood start to boil.

(Y/n) NO! I won't end it like this!

As she was about to make her final blow I blocked it with my blackened armored arm. I grabbed her shield and head butted her dazing her, I pick up my swords and the swords started to turn black, as I got up I looked at her.

(Y/n) devils wraith, my semibalence, never would have thought I would use it,but you leave me no choice.

I charged at here with inhuman speeds, she tried to defend, but the shield was knocked aside with easy, but the second I did that she tried to attack me with her sword, but I cut her sword in half. She was so stunned that I took the opportunity to strike as I did my attack.

(Y/n) demons strike!

I cut through her aura and she fell on the ground. As I looked at her with killing intent in my eyes.

(???) FINISH HER!!!

I started walking toward Pyrrha, as I stood over her I  pointed a sword at her chest where her heart was I was about to strike until a force pushed me to the side and it was a man with blonde hair, and he screamed at me.


As I looked at him I realized what I was about to do, I looked at the other students and they all had the look of discussed on there faces. I put my swords in my scabbard and headed out the door to I wanted to leave until I was meet by Ozpin wanting to talk

(Y/n mind) shit.

A/n sorry for the wait English is a pain in the ass, with all the essays their putting on me, well hope you guys like it.

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