Wrath Taking Control

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(A/n: ok so since college classes have started, chapters are not going to be released as frequently as they use to. P.S. Blake's parents stepped out of the house for a little bit.)
(Shade POV)
I just witness Y/n kill Sun in possibly the most gruesome way. He turns his head to look at us, but he doesn't look the same. He stares at us for a moment, then he starts to laugh, his laugh wasn't normal.

(Y/n) so your the fuckers who have been messing with his head.

We all were shocked at his statement.

(Jaune) what's got into y/n.

(Y/n) Y/n ain't here at the moment, he is slowly drifting into a dark deep ocean.

(Pyrrha) so who are you?

(Y/n) I am his closest friend, I am Wrath.

(Yang) what do you mean friend!?

(Wrath) I mean, he created me to help him deal with the pain. After all that abuse, after that little red bitch left him outside to die, he created me. I am the reason he fights, I am the reason he is still alive, I am his wrath.

(Ruby) look, we are sorry that we did that to him, and we-

(Y/n) shut it little red.


I see Yang's eyes glow red and her hair glowing. She lunges at him, she activates her Ember Celica and she digs her right metal arm into his face. He goes flying into Blake's house as a shell drops to the floor. I see him walk out of the rubble with both swords drawn.

(Blake) Y/n! Stop this we are your friends, we don't want to fight you.

(Shade) minus Yang.

(Pyrrha) not helping.

(Blake) please, come back to me.

(Wrath) HAHAHA!! Your the reason he has gotten this soft. He was fine until you showed up you pussy cat.

(Yang) You better stop or else!

(Wrath) or else what? You'll leave just like Raven, or will you die just like Summer.

(Nora) oh shit.

(Ren) this is bad.

(Shade) Yang! Wait!

She didn't listen and she rushed towards him.

(Wrath) you don't know how long I have been waiting to do this.

(Wrath POV)
she throws a left and a right, but I dodge her fist, I can hear her shells being shot very close to me. I then kick her back as I blot forward, I swing my swords, but she blocked it using her fake arm. I then see the rest of Y/n's faggot friends joining in.

(Jaune) don't make us do this Y/n.

(Wrath) like you can take me down, though if you write he a fake transcript, I might believe you.

I then see everyone rushing me. First was Pyrrha's sword that came lunging at me, I take a step back and hit her in the face with the hilt of my sword. I then see Ren try to shoot me with his peashooters, I deflected them until I felt a blunt object hit me in the back of my head, along with a explosion, I go flying until I landed hard on the ground. I got up to see that it was Nora's doing, I start to see rose petals, I knew it was Ruby so I jumped up and manage to dodge it. I took that opportunity to reach back with my left arm and embedded my sword into Ruby's cape. She stops dead in her tracks as she falls on the ground, I then walked over there and punched her repeatedly until her aura was broken. I raise my sword and prepared to stab her, until a white circle with weird markings appear on her chest, preventing my from finishing her. I then felt the edge of a rapier on my neck.

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