Train Ride

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(WF1) we got intruders, get backup.

(WF2) got it.

Got his scroll out, before he could dial anything I charge the first guy and stab him with my sword, I then turn and threw my other sword at the other guy, impaling him.

(Y/n) what the hell are they doing here?

I look at my surroundings to see a station, a train station at that.

(Yang) Ruby, are you ok?

(Ruby) yes, I'm ok.

I see the rest of the team jump down.

(Y/n) where's Port?

(Weiss) he went to get help.

(Y/n) *sigh*... anyway we are in a abandoned train station, which is one of the white fang's hideouts.

There's a table nearby, I search it hoping to find a map of this place, but I find something disturbing. It's a schematic of a bomb and it is in a train.

(Y/n) guys, we got problems. I show them the plan.

(Weiss) there planning to blow up Vale!

(Y/n) maybe.

(Blake) we got to find that train.

We follow the tracks until we find a train. We walk in and we see a some members of the white fang, but we got rid of them quickly. We were going to the front of the train, until the train starts to move.

(Y/n) shit, get to the control panel.

We rush through the carts, taking down white fang members as we go, until we run into Shade.

(Y/n) Shade.

(Shade) we meet again.

(Weiss) brother?

(Y/n) wait, what. Never mind, we will talk about it later. I'll handle him, you guys get to the front of the train.

They hesitate for a moment and agree.

(Blake) you better come back to me.

(Y/n) *smile* I will.

They head off to the next area as I stay with him. Shade pulls out his weapon.

(Y/n) how you guys related?

(Shade) adopted, abuse and neglected, had enough of it so I joined the white fang.

(Y/n) welcome to the club... so this is what you stand for, bombing a city?

(Shade) I don't agree to it, but I must.

(Y/n) it's fucked up.

(Shade) looks who's talking.

(Y/n) I at least look at them in the eyes as I kill them, while you kill a bunch of people, not even having the balls to at least know who your killing.


(Y/n) you once told, that you stand for equality, to show people that Faunus's are not monsters. Well doing this is going to prove them right.

(Shade) your... your right.

He puts his weapon down.

(Y/n) curious though, why did the Schnee want adopt a Faunus?

(Shade) I don't know.

(???) well, well, well, look who's getting along.

(Y/n) who the hell are you?

(Tyran) my name is Tyran.

(Y/n) and what, you one of Adams lackeys.

(Tyran) hehehe, please, Adam is only pawn compared to me.

(Shade) I never seen him before.

(Y/n) well you got two choices, either get out of my way, or I will cut you out of my way.

(Tyran) oh, the human wants to play? I would love to, but I have to dispose of that Fox, he's not needed in the white fang anymore.

He then disappeared.

(Y/n) what the.

I look behind me to see Shade has been knocked down. I see him with a stinger ready to stoke Shade.

(Y/n) Shade!

I run up to him, I won't be able to block it in time, I'll just have to take. I jump in front as hit penetrates my left shoulder.

(Y/n) ...!

(Y/n mind) how the hell did it penetrate through my aura.

(Tyran) oh that's new, a filthy human saving a Faunus.

I grad his stinger with my left hand.

(Y/n) go to hell.

He looks down to see my sword pointed toward him. I use devil's wraith and try to stab him, he tries to push the blade away, but I still get him in the side.

(Tyran) ARH! You filthy human!

(Y/n) bring it.

Shade then stops me.

(Shade) I'll handle him, go to your friends, they'll need you.

I nod and go to the next room, I go through the door. After going through a couple I see Yang on the floor and a women in red, wearing a white mask. I point my sword at her.

(Y/n) what did you do to Yang.

She says nothing.

(Y/n) answer me.

She then turns around, I charged at her as she draws her blade and blocks my attack.

(Y/n) fine, let's get this over with.

I look at her blade to see it was red.

(Y/n mind) that looks familiar.

She lunges at me as I block her attacks, I block her attack, I launch myself back to give my some space. I use devil's wraith on my swords, I swing both swords at her, but she blocks it. She easily throws my blade aside. She then quickly gets into a stance and dashes across from me. My chest sprays blood and I fall to the ground.

(Y/n mind) what the hell is with these people, they can cut through my aura like butter.

She then opens a portal and starts to walk through it.

(Y/n) oh no you don't!

I get up and tackle her and we went through the portal. I open my eyes to see that I was in a tent. She then kicks me off, I stumble onto a chair. She tries to go for another attack, but I grab the chair and bash it across her head, breaking the chair and her mask. She falls onto the floor, I see a woman with short hair open the tent.

(???) what going on in-

She sees me and grabs her weapons, she comes at me with her weapons. I block it with my sword, but my left arm goes limp and I drop my sword.

(Y/n) what the fuck.

I drop to my knees, everything starts to burn, my legs goes numb. I now see the woman has recovered and walks to me.

(???) you have been poisoned.

I now get a good look at her, I feel like I've seen her before.

(???) Raven, are you alright.

(Y/n mind) wait, that's my...

(Y/n) mom?

(A/n: well things are not looking good for Y/n, and he has now met his mom. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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