A Scorpion's Death

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(Y/n POV)
I walk up to Tyrian and he has a looks a me with a huge smile.

(Tyrian) so, Salem decided to toy with you more.

(Y/n) I guess so, but that means I'm coming for her head.

(Tyrian) I heard you are making quite a mess in the white fang, curious though, how did you manage to find me? I don't associate with anyone in the white fang.

(Y/n) does it matter, all that matters is that you are going to tell me where Salem is.

(Tyrian) hehehe, not going to happen.

(Y/n) figures as much, then you'll be a message to her instead.

I draw my swords out and stared dead at him.

(Tyrian) someone's getting scary.

(Y/n) who else knows I'm alive?

(Tyrian) just me and Salem.

(Y/n) good.

He then draws his weapon and starts to shoot at me while laughing maniacally. I start to deflect the bullets while dashing toward him, once in my swords reach I raise both my swords over my head and strike down, but he is more agile than I thought, as he rolls out of it and pounces toward me. I raise my blades to block it, he then tries to use his tail to try and stab me, but I roll to the left to avoid his stinger. I get up and bolt back towards him, he tries to create space in between us, but I'm already in his face as I bring both my swords to my left side and swing, he manages to dodge it and put some distant between us.

(Tyrian) hehehe, why do keep fighting? Your gonna die anyway, so why don't you just kneel over and die.

(Y/n) because, before I die... I'm going drag you all to hell with me.

He starts to come at me, he then jumps and pulls back his arm, he thrusts forward trying to stab me. Instead of blocking, I hit his blades to the left and used my left sword to try and implant him, but he uses his stinger to knock it to the side and tail whip me into a near by building. I crawl out from the hole I made with my body and start to use devil's wrath, I swiftly move toward him as he does the same. We clash with each other again, but this time he gets my blades stuck in his claw weapon, he smiles and tries to stab me with his stinger, luckily my aura held up so I only got knocked back. I look up to see Ruby and Yang trying to take him by surprise, they both are ready to strike, but he is too quick and strikes Ruby with my sword, he then turns to Yang and uses my other sword to strike her along with his stinger.

(Y/n) I told you to stay out of it!

They both were in pain, I knew they were trying to help, but this is just creating more problems for me.

(Tyrian) so why are these to little girls getting in the way of our fun? Oh well, let's make this interesting, chose the one that will die and the other will be spared.

I see Qrow start to try and intervene, but I stop him.

(Qrow) why the hell are you stopping me from helping?!

(Y/n) why the hell did you not stop them.

(Qrow) I didn't know they were going to do this, they were talking to Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Shade, then the next thing I knew they were attacking Tyrian.

(Y/n) well stay out of my way, you'll get them killed.

He seemed worried at first, but he did as I ordered him too.

(Tyrian) so, did you decide yet?*smiles*

(Y/n) yea I did... neither will die.

(Qrow POV)

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