The Dance

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(A/n: well this chapter contains a lemon, hope you guys enjoy it. P.S if you want to skip lemon you can.)
I start to get dressed for the dance.
(Suits at the top.)

I can see Ren in his tux, Pyrrha and Nora in there dress and Jaune in his... dress.

(Y/n) Jaune, What, the fuck.

(Jaune) what.

(Y/n) don't What me, why the hell are you in a dress.

(Jaune) I kinda lost a bet.

(Pyrrha) what was the bet about.

(Jaune) nothing important.

(Y/n) *whisper* hmm, should have asked Pyrrha out.

(Pyrrha) what was it.

(Y/n) nothing, anyway I'm going to head out. I gonna pick up Blake.

(Nora) see you at the dance.

I walk out of the room and toward RWBY's dorm, when I got there and knocked. I heard some commotion and then I see Ruby has opened the door, she has a red dress on.

(Y/n) hey Ruby, I'm here to pick up Blake.

(Ruby) she will be right out in a second.

The door closes and I just wait outside. I check my pocket to see if I have brought the necklace with me.

(Y/n) alright, I did.

I hear the door open to see Blake in a dark purple dress, it's simple and beautiful.

(Y/n) h-hey Blake, ready to go?

(Blake) yes.

We start to walk to the dance, my heart is racing right now and I'm nervous as hell.

(Y/n mind) get a hold of yourself, she's been with you for two months, there's nothing to be about.

(Blake) hey, you alright, you look nervous.

(Y/n) I'm fine, it's just you look stunning in that dress.

(Blake) *blushes* t-thank you. You look really handsome.

(Y/n mind) this isn't helping.

When we got there I see Yang at the front, she looks like she's checking people in.

(Yang) Y/n, Blake, good to see you.

(Y/n) yea, anyway I'm just going to go.

(Yang) You know Blake, Y/n has something really special for you planned tonight.

(Y/n) and we will be on our way.

(Yang) see you around love birds.

(Y/n mind) I'm going to kill her.

(Blake) what is Yang talking about?

(Y/n) Don't worry about it.

(Blake) she said you have something special planned for me.

(Y/n) don't worry about it Blake, just sit back and enjoy.

She smiles and squeezes my hand a little tighter. We walk to a table and sit next to each other.

(Blake) you know, I've been seeing you smile a lot more lately.

(Y/n) really, I haven't noticed.

(Blake) it's true, you have also changed a lot, compared to when we first met, in a good way I mean.

I was about to say something, but then Yang got on the microphone.

(Yang) now, before we start the slow dance, Y/n has something for his sweet heart.

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