A new Evil part 1

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(A/n: warning, this chapter will have a gruesome kill, I put up warning just in case someone wants to skip it, but read at your own risk, enjoy. P.S: yes there are two parts.)

I entered into Salem's domain.

(Wrath) so this is where you've been hiding.

I look around to see a oh so familiar castle. I walk towards it only to be blocked by a king taijitu, with Salem on top of its head.

(Salem) so you are man who has been killing my people.

(Wrath) yea, I have.

I snap my fingers to bring out a beaten and bloodied Cinder.

(Wrath) your Grimm could not kill me, your troops could not kill me, even your fall maiden could not kill me. Do you think you stand a chance against me?

(Salem) yes I do, because you haven't fought monster like me. *smiles*

(Wrath) hehehe, I'll show you what a true monster looks like.

I pull out my swords and charge forward, she raises her hand and Grimm start coming toward me, but I cut them down with ease. I ended up getting close to her, only to see something about to come out of the ground, I rolled to the left to see spikes come out under the ground. I regain my footing and charge at her again, I was about to attack until a red barrier blocked my attack, I looked at her to see her smirking at me, she raised her arm to my chest and a black explosion sent me back. I land on the red dirt, I look up to see her right in front of me and she summons some nasty looking swords and throws them at me, I couldn't dodge all of them, but my aura was able to hold out. I kicked her in the face as I was getting up and got my swords again, she then summoned a Glyph and a Grimm dragon showed up, I ran up to it only to have me almost stabbed by Salem. She attacks again and I block all her attacks with ease, until she jumped while doing a back flip away from me, at first I was confused, until a dragon's tail hit me with full force into one of those crystals. I get up only to be crushed by a Goliath's hand, it picked me up and threw me towards Salem, she then summoned her barrier, but on impact it exploded which sent me to the ground. I manage to get up, only things missing were my swords. I get up to retrieve my swords, when I picked them up I looked back at Salem with a wicked smile on her face.

(Wrath) you done with your attacks? Because now it's my turn.

My swords turned black with a red aura radiating off of it. I bolt towards her, I swing one of my swords at her neck, but was blocked by her sword. I then head butted her and kicked her in the gut, She tried to stab me, but I knock it away and I hit her in the face. She tries to retaliate, but I dodge and hit her again, I hit her again and again, until she falls onto the ground.

(Wrath) pathetic, they call you the queen of darkness, the monsters of monsters. Yet you barely put up a fight.

I see her try to summon her Grimm, but none came to her aid.

(Salem) how is this possible!

(Wrath) they don't see you as a leader anymore. *smiles* I'm the top dog now. Now I will show you how to kill someone properly.

She seemed to get angry, she tries to stab me, but I spin around her and hit her with my hilt, she falls to the ground.

(Wrath) I knew what your plan was.

I kick her in the stomach.

(Wrath) you thought you can toy with me, that you would give me this power, for the cost of my sanity. You thought I come to you and become an ally, but there is one important thing you failed to know about me. * smiles* you can't break a man's mind, when it has already been broken.

I kick her again, I stab my swords into the ground and started punching her until my knuckles where covered in blood. I look at her sorry state, I get up and grab her hair and made her kneel.

(Salem) do you think you have won? You are still weak, you still have good in you.

(Wrath) sorry, not one ounce of it left.

(Salem) hahahaha, you still hold a torch for that pussy cat.

I then punched her again.

(Wrath) I am not the man you killed at Beacon. I am a whole different man with different rules.

(Salem) a good guy always a good guy.

(Wrath) that's where your wrong... I was never a good guy.

I kneed her in the face and I drive my fist into her gut.

(Warning: extreme violence ahead)

(Wrath) you know, I always threatened people with " I'm going to strangle you with your own intestines" but I never actually did it before. *smile* until now.

(Last warning, skip if you want.)

(Cinder POV)
I have just seen my mistress got beaten so easily, and now he is going to kill her. He rams his hand into her stomach, I hear her scream in pain as I can see his hand going deeper inside her stomach. Blood starts to gush out of her stomach as her intestines are ripped out of her. He then proceeds to wrap her intestines around her neck and pulls as hard as he could, to the point where she can barely scream.

(Wrath) how will you die first? By blood lost, or by suffocation.

(End of scene)

She tries to grab his hand only to be slid off by her blood. Eventually she stops struggling and he lets go of her Intestines, she falls on the floor with a big plop as the blood drains from her corpse. I end up picking from how brutal it was.

(Wrath) HAHAHA!!! That was exhilarating. Never thought I would be able to do it.

He starts to walk over to me.

(Wrath) now what should we do with you?

(A/n: well that was brutal. Anyway hope you guy liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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