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(A/n: so I'm going to make the Vytal festival a little bit later, I'm trying to build up for what's to come, hope this doesn't seem like it's dragging on, but hey I will try to make it worth it. Anyway enjoy the chapter.)

I got to beacon and headed to Ozpin's office, when I got there I saw Ozpin talking with... Ironwood.

(Ironwood) Y/n!

(Y/n) Ironwood!

He draws his revolver and points it at my head as I draw my sword out and put it by his throat.

(Ozpin) gentlemen, please remain calm, Y/n, he is a friend of mine, Ironwood, he is my student.

(Ironwood) do you have any idea of the crimes he committed.

(Ozpin) I'm fully aware of that.

(Ironwood) then why is he here?

(Ozpin) to change him.

(Ironwood) a monster like him cannot change, He is who he is.

(Ozpin) please, put the gun down, and Y/n will lower his sword.

(Ironwood) how can I trust him not to take my head when I do lower my gun.

(Y/n) I'm a man of my word, lower your weapon and Atlas won't have to buy a coffin for you.

He sighs and lowers his weapon as do I.

(Ozpin) so Y/n, what is it you need.

(Y/n) we need to Atlas to destroy all there robots.

(Ironwood) What! That's crazy, do you know how much money and time we put into it!

(Y/n) I honestly don't give a fuck. The white fang has the codes to those robots!

(Ironwood) that's impossible. We have those codes safely guarded in Atlas.

(Y/n) well news flash, they somehow got through your security.

(Ironwood) there are alternatives to this instead of just destroying them.

(Y/n) it doesn't fucking matter! Roman will get the codes again!

(Ironwood) and how do you know he will succeed a second time.

(Y/n) if you at least know Roman and what he does, then you should know he can get those codes, one way or another.

(Ironwood) then what of the Vytal festival?

(Y/n) Fuck the festival! Call it off.

(Ozpin) it's not that simple.

(Y/n) listen here, there is going to be blood shed if you don't call it off.

(Ironwood) what are you saying.

(Y/n) I'm saying that they will attack sometime during it.

(Ironwood) and how do you know when they will attack?

(Y/n) because that is when everyone is most vulnerable. Listen I'm done talking to you guys, decide if your going to go through with it or not, but be warned, all the lives lost in the attack will be on your hands.

I walk out of the room.

(Y/n) what a waste of my damn time.

I started walking down the hall.

(Y/n) can this day get any worse.

I look out the window and I see Sun getting a little too friendly with Blake.

(Y/n) just my fucking luck.

I walk outside to where they are, I lean by the tree and try to listen in.

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