Attack at Haven

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She then opens the door to her dorm, where I see 3 more other girls.

(???) umm, Nebula, who's that?

(Nebula) his name is... I actually don't know, what's your name?

(Y/n) names Y/n, now I need to find Dr. Watts.

(Nebula) are you a new student?

(Y/n) something like that.

(Nebula) well let me wash your clothes.

(Y/n) if I do will you show me where Watts is?

(Nebula) Yea.

(Y/n) fine.

I take off my armor, I was now in a black sleeveless shirt, and black pants. They all get a good look at my face and they go quiet, I give my her my stuff so she can wash it.

(Y/n) it better not shrink.

She leaves the room to wash it. I then hear the blonde haired one start to talk.

(???) ok, I just gotta ask, what happened to your face.

(Y/n) let's just say my life isn't sunshine and rainbows.

Then the brunette starts to talk.

(Gwen) my names Gwen, the blonde one is Dew, and the one with the scarlet hair is Octavia, and we're team NDGO.

I look to see Octavia is reading a book, she looks up and smiles, reminds me of Blake.

(Gwen) so, why do you want to talk to professor Watts?

(Y/n) he has information for me.

(Gwen) what kind?

(Y/n) it's on a personal matter.

(Dew) so are you a new student here?

(Y/n) no.

(Octavia) do you go to any academy?

(Y/n) no, and what's with all the questions?

(Gwen) so we can get to know you and be friends.

(Y/n) I'm not looking for any friends.

(Dew) well aren't you a depressing one.

(Y/n) is my armor almost done?

(Octavia) should be done right about now.

Just as she says that, Nebula walks in and hands me my stuff.

(Nebula) well, I got that cleaned up.

(Y/n) thanks.

I put on my armor, as I was finishing up Gwen asked me a question.

(Gwen) what's with the skulls.

(Y/n) it's a warning. Now where is Watts?

(Nebula) follow me.

We walked out of the dorm, we walked past a couple of buildings before we entered a different building. We walked up to the room he was in, but there was another voice.

(Y/n) Ironwood.

(Nebula) yea, Atlas is here.

(Y/n) why?

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