Shopping for Suits

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(A/n: ok the school dance is nearing and you still need a suit.)

I am right now talking to Ozpin about what I know.

(Y/n) the white fang are planning something big, I don't know what for. There has been a lot of Grimm activity of late.

(Ozpin) yes I have noticed.

(Y/n) but don't you think that it is a coincidence that once the robbers have lessen, Grimm just all of a sudden become more active.

(Ozpin) you got a point there, but how are the white fang doing all this.

(Y/n) they are not, there having help from Roman.

(Ozpin) I thought the white fang don't associate with humans.

(Y/n) looks like it is mutual alliance, but there's one thing that concern me the most.

(Ozpin) and what is that.

(Y/n) the Grimm

(Ozpin) what do you mean.

(Y/n) I mean, The Grimm are getting bolder, there closer to the city, and some even come in and attack. There is someone who is much powerful running the show.

(Ozpin) interesting, I hope that you will further investigate.

I get up and walk out the door.

(Y/n) see you Ozpin.

(Ozpin) have a nice day, Y/n

I walk out of his office and back to my dorm. When I was about to open the door someone came up behind me.

(Jaune) hey, Y/n

(Y/n) what is Jaune.

I turn around to see my teammates and RWBY.

(Y/n) what's going on.

(Nora) we are going clothes shopping.

(Y/n) ok, and why are you telling me this.

(Pyrrha) you need a suit for the dance.

(Y/n) can't I just where a polo?

(Pyrrha) no, you can't.

(Y/n) I hate suits, and I hate some of the people your bringing along.

I look at Yang and Ruby.

(Jaune) come on man, you need to look nice for your lady over there.*points to Blake*

Jaune the starts to whisper.

(Jaune) Plus, they will be on the other side of the store. The girls will pick out there dresses and the guys well pick out our suits.

(Y/n) *sigh* fine, I'll go.

We got on the bullhead where Jaune and Pyrrha sat next to each other talking away. Ren and Nora are talking to each other, well more like Nora is talking, while Ren is more just listening. Yang, Ruby, and Weiss are sitting together doing the same thing while I just sat by myself, that is until Blake sat next to me and held my hand. I smile and return the gesture, when the bullhead starting taking off, Blake proceeded to put her head on my shoulder. I turn to look at her to see her smiling, I look forward and a smile creeps on my face.

(Y/n) I can get use to this.

Once we land we got out and headed to a clothing store. Once in the store, the women went to the dresses while the guys went to the suits.

(Ren) so Jaune, have you asked Pyrrha to the dance?

(Jaune) I will, soon.

(Y/n) dude, why haven't you asked her.

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