Y/n vs Mercury

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(A/n: I don't know why, but I think this fits agree or not, I like it, also there will be a lemon in the near future. Enjoy the chapter.)

I am currently in Goodwitch's class watching Pyrrha kicking CRDL's ass. I look to my left to see Blake, she looks up at me and smiles at me as I smile back. I then feel a soft hand on my hand, I look to see that it was Blake holding my hand, I return the gesture. I look back at the fight to see that Pyrrha has won.

(Y/n mind) that was fast.

(Goodwitch) who else would like to fight.

(???) I would like to challenge Pyrrha.

(Jaune) come on man, she just got done fighting already!

(Pyrrha) it's fine Jaune, I'll-

(Y/n) I'll fight him.

(Pyrrha) Y/n, I can take him on.

(Y/n) I know you can, I just have bone to pick with him.

(???) wait, your that guy who threaten Emerald.

(Y/n mind) so that's her name.

(Y/n) what are you going to do about it.

(???) I'm going to kick your ass.

(Y/n) then bring it.

(Goodwitch) Y/n and Mercury, please get ready and step into the ring.

(Y/n mind) Mercury... sounds familiar.

I walk into the ring to see Mercury across from me.

(Mercury) ready to get pounded into the ground.

(Y/n) stop talking and start fighting.

He gets into his fighting stance, while I charge toward him. He tries to leg sweep me, but I jump over it. I strike down with my swords only to see him roll to the side, my swords hit the ground, I look to my right to see the bottom of his shoe. I was confused at first, until I heard a click.

(Y/n mind) shit that's a gun!

I strike swords at his leg so that it misses me, but he brings his other leg around and hits me in the face. When his leg connected, it hurt like hell.

(Y/n mind) what the hell is his legs made out of medal or something.

I regain my senses only to feel something something hard hitting my gut. He then kicks the sword out of my right hand, then he grabs my left wrist and kicks my in the face again, dropping my sword in the process. He then kicks me back into the wall.

(Mercury) so, is that it?

(Y/n) not have not seen anything yet.

(Mercury) bring it then.

I use devil's wraith on my arms as black aura covers my arms.

(Y/n) I'm going to break you legs.

I then heard a cheer from Nora.

(Nora) YAAAAY DO IT!!!

I then go at him again.

(Mercury) so your going to try to beat me without your swords.

He then tries to round house kick me, but I catch it in mid air and flip him over. I run and get both my swords back to see that he has recovered quickly.

(Y/n) let's end this.

(Mercury) your aura is in the yellow, and I'm still in the green.

(???) let's show him who's he fucking with.

(Y/n)*smiles* with pleasure.

(Mercury POV)

I look at this sorry excuse for an opponent. I look at him. I see that he has this black stuff on his arms and swords, he's also mumbling to him self.

(Mercury) probably praying he won't get his ass beat too badly.

He then looks at me, his eyes have killing intent in them, enough to make me freeze in fear.

(Mercury) what the hell, why I... I can't move.

I look at my legs, hoping they would move, I look up to see him close to me. He then slashes across my gut, he then uses his other sword to stab through my mechanical leg.

( Mercury mind) how can he penetrate through metal and my aura is still strong.

He pushes it even further so that in the sword goes into the ground, pinning me.

(Y/n POV)

I then walk toward him, and start to repeatedly punch him in the face, soon I start to feel his blood on my hand as I continue.

(Goodwitch) Y/n thats enough.

I still continue, he tries to use his other leg, but I used my foot to stomp it inward. I heard something breaking, but not a normal bone break, like a machine breaking down. I just ignore it and continue the assault on his face.

(Goodwitch) Y/n, stop!

I still continue as I can feel him start to struggle less.

(Goodwitch) THAT'S ENOUGH Y/N!!!

I stop and look at him to see that he is barely conscious, I take my sword out of his leg and he falls on the ground. I look toward the crowd, to see his team, Emerald looked concerned for the guy while the other girl didn't have the face of concern, more like the face of observing. I walk out of the arena and out of the classroom, only to see Ozpin.

(Y/n mind) why the hell does he show up at the most convenient time.

(Ozpin) I would like to speak to you, in my office.

(Y/n) son of a bitch.

I walk into his office and take a seat on one of the chairs.

(Ozpin) Y/n, I like to discuss what happened in Goodwitch's class

(Y/n) yea, I kicked the guys ass, what's more to say.

(Ozpin) I'm saying don't you think you went a little over board.

(Y/n) no.

(Ozpin) *sigh* alright as for punishment, you will have to sing at the dance.

(Y/n) .........what.

(Ozpin) you will have to sing-

(Y/n) no no no no, what I meant was, why, what kind of cruel and unusual punishment is this! I mean I beat the guy to a bloody pulp and my punishment is to sing at the dance.

(Ozpin) well usually we would suspend them, but if I did that to you, that would be more of a reward than punishment.

(Y/n) but why singing of all things.

(Ozpin) because I knew you would hate it.

(Y/n) I'm seriously lost for words.

(Ozpin) I would also like to discuss what you found about the white fang.

(Y/n) how did you know that I was looking into them.

(Ozpin) well your conversation with Blake about you looking into it wasn't exactly in a private setting.

(Y/n) I'll give you that one. *sigh* what do you want to know?

(A/n: and I'll end it here hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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