Bar fight

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(A/n: ok, thought of a new title. Now let's get back into the action.)

(???) does she really mean that much to you? I mean look at yourself, in this pathetic state.

(Y/n) she is the only person who cares for me, that shows me love.

(???) she will turn on you just like the rest.

(Y/n) you keep saying that, but the more I think on it, the harder it is to believe that.

(???) in due time, she will find someone better than you... or has she already.

My eyes shoot open to see that I am still in the alleyway, bleeding out. I look at the sky to see that it was dark.

(Y/n) wait, wasn't light out when I got here?

I try to stand up, but I can't muster up my strength.

(Y/n) shit, I'm not going to die in this back street alleyway.

I finally managed to get up and limp myself out of there, using the wall for support. I walk for about a block until I stubble upon a animal shelter, I break the glass and open the door from the inside. I walk past the desk and into the lab I opened a drawer to find a staple gun I stapled my wounds closed. I started to limp back out and find somewhere quieter. I start to go back outside, while my vision is fading in and out.

(Y/n) I still need to look at the footage.

I sit down at a nearby bus bench and pull out my scroll to watch the video. The robbers looked like white fang members, but the most recent one wasn't part of the white fang. It looked like regular and guys.

(Y/n) hmm that strange, wait who's that gu- ... holy shit, is that Roman. Why does he need all of those crystals and who is the weird lady with pink hair.

I continue to watch the video, but one of the guys dropped a box. Roman looks irritated to say the least, but what he says was the most interesting part.

(Roman) note to self, don't borrow any more of Junior's men.

That caught me by surprise, but then I got real pissed at him for wasting my time. I started not to feel any pain and I have my strength to beat that little asshole in.

(Time skip to Junior's bar)

I bust open the door to making the door fly off its hinges.

(Y/n) JUNIOR!!!!

I see his men surround me.

(Y/n) when I get to, you and me are going to have a nice long talk!

I draw my swords as they draw out there weapons, I see a couple of guys start to shoot me as I block there shots.

(Y/n) I'm going to slaughter you all!

I sliced the arm off of one guy then cut open his chest as two guys try to rush at me, but stabbed them both in the chest. I then fell a something go into my back I turn around to see someone behind me, I headbutt the guy sliced across his stomach. I see more guys come at me.


I just dodge another attack as stab this guy's leg and stab through another's chest, this process goes on until there is no one standing up. I open another door to see Junior, but standing in front of them are Melanie and Miltia.

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