Meeting the Raven

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(Y/n) mom?

(Raven) hello Y/n.

I force myself to stand up.

(Raven) Y/n, you should stop moving, we can help you with-

(Y/n) Shut Up!

I stare down at her.

(Raven) I know your upset with me, but you have-

(Y/n) Fuck off with your "I know your upset" shit.  Do you know what I have been though.

(Raven) I have heard about it.

(Y/n) so you know what that fucking family did to me.


(Y/n) thought so. Anyway I need to get back to Beacon.

(Raven) you can't.

(Y/n) why not?

(???) because there are Grimm swarming the over there.

(Y/n) bring me back.

(Raven) not in the condition your in.

(Y/n) now you care about me, about my well being?

(Raven) you are still my son.

(Y/n) no, I'm not. Your son died by a beowolf ten years ago.

(Raven) she looks down, looking sad.

(Y/n) so, either you send me back or I will send myself back.

(???) I should kill you for that.

(Y/n) go ahead, I'm a dead man walking. Yes I know I was poisoned, but there is someone I care about out there, and she is in trouble.

(Raven) I can't let you go, even though you don't think it, I still care for you.

I pick up my swords off the ground and point the tip of the sword at her.

(Raven) you are really going to fight your mother over this person.

(Y/n) I will kill you and everyone in this camp if I have to.

She pulls out her sword.

(Raven) does she really mean that much to you?

(Y/n) she means everything to me.

(Raven) please reconsider your choice. What happened if you die before you get to her?

(Y/n) I won't.

(Raven) do you know how poisonous that sting is? It will kill you before you can see the next sun rise.

(Y/n) I don't have time to treat it, Beacon is under attack right now, so either you make the portal, or I will.

She sighs and cuts the air creating a portal. I begin to walk through, but I said one last thing.

(Y/n) we will continue this.

I go through the portal to see that Vale is getting overrun by Grimm. I then feel numbness in my finger tips, and my head starts to hurt.

(Y/n) need to make sure everyone is ok.

I then hear a scream, I run to it to see that it is Weiss backed into the corner with a death stalker getting closer to it.

(Y/n) Weiss!

I run over there and cut the tail off as I then stab it through the head and it falls to the ground.

(Weiss) Y/n!

She get up and hugs me.

(Y/n) are you ok, where's Blake.

(Weiss) she went toward a cafe to confront Adam. LOOK OUT!!!

I look back to see a beowolf, I cover her as the beowolf bites into me shoulder. Then suddenly it let's go I look behind me to see Shade.

(Y/n) Shade! Your alive.

(Shade) yea, I thought you might need help.

(Y/n) thanks, here get Weiss out of here.

(Shade) what about you?

(Y/n) I need to find my friends.

(Shade) your in no condition, I mean a beowolf just bit through your aura.

(Y/n) I don't care, just get Weiss out of here!

He hesitates and then he gets her to a safe area.

(Y/n mind) this is gonna hurt.

I run around Vale trying to find Blake, I help other  people to safety in the way.

(Y/n) shit, I'm running out of time and blood.

I ran around till I heard a scream and it sounded like Blake.

(Blake POV)

I am on the ground looking at Adam, Yang tried to save me, but Adam cut her arm off.

(Adam) I'm sorry my love, but you know the consequences.

He raises his sword, ready to strike me down I close my eyes ready for the final blow, I started thinking about Y/n, not knowing what happened to him. I felt myself start to cry, I waited and waited, the blow never came I open my eyes to see Y/n.

(Blake) Y/N!!

(Y/n) how dare you hurt my girlfriend!

He kicks him to a wall, the wall breaks and the rubble lands on top of him. When he turns around, I realize that he is covered in blood.

(Blake) y/n, what... what happened?

(Y/n) go take Yang to a safe area.

(Blake) no, not without you, you'll die.

(Y/n) please, take Yang, and get her to safety.

I look behind Y/n to see the rubble start to move.

(Y/n) move, quickly.

I pick up Yang and start to run.

I stop and turn toward him.

(Blake) please come back to me alive!

I then start to run to a different direction.

(Y/n POV)

I hear Blake tell me to come back to her alive.

(Y/n) no promises.

I see Adam get up, I can feel his aura spike.

(Adam) so your Y/n.

(Y/n) what's it to you.

(Adam) I hear that you are a superior fighter, and that you dating my love.

(Y/n) like hell she your!

(Adam) you know I will go back for her.

(Y/n) over my dead body.

(Adam) that can be arranged.

I point my sword at him as he does his.

(Adam) you are in pretty bad shape, it won't be difficult to take you down.

(Y/n) I wouldn't underestimate me.

(A/n: well I'm ending it here, I know it was a little shorter than usual, but don't worry, there will be another chapter soon. Well hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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