Change of Heart

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We have just finished making the song for Blake.

(Y/n) do you think she will like it?

(Yang) she's going to love it.

(Y/n) hope so.

(Ruby) so, when are you suppose to sing it?

(Y/n) probably toward the end of the dance, I hope.

(Yang) well we better get to bed, we still have to finish decorating the dance.

(Ruby) bye Y/n.

They start to walk out, but I wanted to say one more thing.

(Y/n) before you go, I just want to say... thank you.

I look at the and there faces had a look of surprise.

(Yang) anytime.*smile*

(Ruby) your welcome.*smile*

They then walked off, leaving me to my thoughts.

(Y/n) damn... I'm need a drink.

(Time skip to Vale)

I am walking toward Junior's bar, when I got there he immediately called his guards.

(Y/n) calm down Junior, I'm hear for a drink.

(Junior) alright, so what will it be.

(Y/n) beer.

(Junior) you do realize we have other types of drinks.

(Y/n) your point.

(Junior) never mind.

(A/n: this OC belongs to iamfoxy4551)
I got my beer and started drinking it. I then look to my right to see a fox Faunus looking at me. I look away for about a minute, I then look back to see him still staring at me.

(Y/n mind) the hell is with this guy.

He then gets up and sits next to me.

(Y/n) can I help you.

(???) yea, by dying.

He then puts his hand on the back of my head and slams it against the counter, he pulls me by the hair and slams me on the ground.

(Y/n) Arh, fuck me!

I look at him to see his sword above raised up, the tip of his blade is facing my chest.

(Y/n) Shit!

I then roll to my right, dodging the blade.

(Y/n) who the hell are you.

(Shade) my name is Shade, I am part of the white fang and I am going to bring you to hell.

(Y/n) come on and try.

He Gets into his fighting stance, weapon drawn.
(A/n: looks like this. Also I don't own this picture.)


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