My wrath

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I charge at him, I activate devil's wrath and strike, but he blocks it. I keep up the assault, but he stays on the defensive.

(Y/n mind) what is he planning.

I look at his blade to see it glowing red, he then pushes me off and he attacks. He swings his sword, but I back step, but I still get hit with the force. I fall back onto a near by table, I get up to feel a sharp pain on my side, I look to see that there was a large gash in my side.

(Y/n) what the hell did he do?

He then appears in front of me and tries to stab me, but I head butt him and he staggers back. I try to attack him, but he dodges it and tries to take my head. I duck, before I can react to anything else he elbows me in the head, I fall to the ground and in one quick motion he stabs me in the back.

(Adam) hmm, barley broke a sweat.

(Y/n) ... you haven't seen nothing yet.

He pulls the sword out of my back, I took that opportunity to quickly get up and strike, but he blocks hit and pushes me off of him.

(Adam) not so much talk now.

I get into my stance and he dashes toward me. He strikes his blade, I manage to block it with one of my swords and I strike him in the stomach, I then kick him off, staggering him, without hesitating I hit my hilt on the back of his head. I then stab him through the leg, I managed to get him on one of his knees. I then was about to cut off his head, but he rolls back, making me miss. He then gets up and pulls the sword out of his legs.

(Adam) time to end this.

I see his sword is now glowing a bright red. He gets in his stance, I go on the defensive, I then notice that everything started to turn red I was surprised by the color change, I look back at Adam to see him right in front of me.

(Y/n) shit!

He strikes at me, but I block it.(a/n: your semblance has been active this entire fight.)
When I blocked it i felt a tremendous amount of force and my swords were knocked aside, he then he strikes again, with his sword still glowing red, he cut me deep, all the way to the bone. I stood there bleeding profusely, then I fall to the ground. I try to stay awake, but the darkness consumes me.

(Adam POV)

I took care of Y/n, he was more skilled than I thought. I was going to walk away to find where my kitty has gone to, but I here something behind me, I look to see that it was Y/n standing up.

(Adam) I am surprised that you are not dead, but you will soon be.

He send me a stare that even gave me chills, his eyes are different, he does not have the eyes of a man, but as the devil.

(???) hahaha, you may be able to beat him, but you are beneath me you Faunus scum.

(Adam) who are you then.

Even his voice seems... different.

(???) I am wrath.

He then appears in front of me and punches me in the jaw.

(Wrath) come on, show me what you got.

I get up and attack him, but he dodges all my attacks, he then charges toward me, but he passes me and I see him smile.

(Wrath) now die.

I feel extreme pain in my chest as my chest gushes blood. I fall to the ground

(Adam) what the hell did you do.

He then walks over and kicks me in the chest, he then puts the blade at my throat.

(Wrath) go ahead use your speed, I bet you won't get far.

I wanted to, but something is keeping me from doing so. I then get my blade and try to strike him, but he stabs me in the shoulder and he takes me sword from me.

(Wrath) hmm, nice sword.

He then stabs me with my own sword in the stomach, he pushes it deeper until it reaches the other side of me body.

(Wraith) why don't you stay here like a good cow.

He then pulls his sword out of my shoulder. He then then twists the blade in my stomach.

Adam) ...!

(Wrath) what's wrong, can't stomach the pain. Ah, my time is running out. If you survive this, come after me so I can finish the job.

He then gets up and leaves me.

(Adam) what kind of monster is he?

(Y/n POV)

I wake to see that I'm out of the cafe.

(Y/n) what, where am I.

(Wrath) don't worry, I took care of Adam.

(Y/n) what, I don't remember.

(Wrath) well yea, you went unconscious and I wasn't about to let Adam kill us, so what are you gonna do about that wound on your chest.

(Y/n) I don't know, I still got to find my team.

I begin to walk toward Beacon. When I got there I saw Ren, Nora, and Jaune.

(Nora) Y/n, your alive!

My team went up to me.

(Ren) your hurt.

(Y/n) where's Pyrrha?

(Jaune) she went to fight Cinder.

(Y/n) and you didn't go with her?

He stood there in silence.

(Y/n) damn it Jaune. Where's Ozpin at.

(Jaune) he's most likely dead. He was trying to give Pyrrha the fall maiden power, but Cinder stole it.

(Y/n) fuck!... go help people evacuate. I'll go find Pyrrha.

(Nora) your hurt badly, we will go and you get to safety.

(Y/n) then who will save the people?

They were silent.

(Y/n) I will get Pyrrha back, and when I do, she will most likely be hurt. Jaune I want you to help her.

(Jaune) got it.

(Y/n) and also... *smile* tell her you love her.

(Jaune) what...

(Y/n) oh come on, it's pretty obvious you love her. Now tell me where she went.

They told me where she went and I started heading over there.

(Y/n) great, I have one foot in the grave, and know I'm facing Cinder who has the fall maiden power.

I finally got there, I can hear the fight at the top of the building.

(Y/n) gotta move quickly.

I start make my way up there, my body is screaming in pain, but I push forward anyway. When I got up there I see Pyrrha, on her knees and Cinder with a bow and arrow ready to kill Cinder. Pyrrha then speaks to Cinder.

(Pyrrha) do you believe in destiny?

(Cinder) yes.

(Y/n) No!

(A/n: ha, I love cliffhangers, anyway the battle is soon coming to a close. Y/n is at death's door, and he still has to fight Cinder. Hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next Chapter.)

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