A new Evil part 2

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(Shade POV)

I was at Yang's house and I was hanging out with Yang, along with our friends. We are trying to find any information on Y/n, but nothing has turned up. Ruby went to get cookies and brought Blake along, my guess is that Ruby thinks cookies will cheer Blake up, but hey, it might work.

(Nora) so how are we suppose to find Y/n when he can teleport anywhere at anytime?

(Shade) he has to show up eventually.

(Jaune) so let me get this straight, you want us to find Y/n who has currently lost his marbles, who has taken down Cinder, Watts, Hazel, and Tyrian by himself, and who is trying to assert world dominance, and you think we can somehow take him down and see if there is anything left of Y/n.

(Shade) yea, pretty much.

(Jaune) and what exactly is your plan when we're fighting him, I mean he is ridiculously powerful.

(Shade) so your saying we should give up on him?

(Jaune) that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying, when he shows up and he's looking for a fight, then what?

(Shade) there's one person that he will never hurt.

(Jaune) so Blake is our secret weapon.

(Shade) yes.

(Jaune) and can you be sure that he won't hurt her now?

(Pyrrha) he can't be that far gone... can he?

(Jaune) So what happens when you plan falls through? We fight him, because last time he kicked our asses, and I am sure he has gotten stronger.

As I was about to say something, we heard some weird noise outside. We went to see what it was, standing in front of the house was Y/n or Wrath in this case.

(Wrath) so, the gangs all here.

(Wrath POV)

I look around to see everyone is here, good, making it easier for me.

(Wrath) so, this is where you have been staying, I think it's a nice setting for a fight.

(Shade) wait, Y/n this isn't you.

(Wrath) but this isn't Y/n, it's Wrath.

(Shade) I know your still in there somewhere, you have to fight it.

I then rush towards him and punch him in the face and he goes flying into the house.

(Wrath) I'm tired of talking, now come and fight me.

I draw out my weapons as they draw out there's. I first blocked Pyrrha's attack, I then kick her off me as I roll to the left to avoid Nora's hammer, I then get up and was met by Yang as she manages to grab my collar.

(Yang) please, don't make me do this.

(Wrath) why not? You've done it before.

I then head butted her and drove the hilt of my sword to her temple which staggered her, I then turn behind me to see Jaune trying to shield bash me, but fails.

(Wrath) what was your plan there?

(Jaune) a distraction.

I then looked to my right to see a large knight swings its swords at me, I didn't have enough time to dodge so I took the hit. It hits me from behind as I see Jaune leap to the ground, I fly through a couple of trees until I regain my footing.

(Wrath's mind) That was Weiss's glyph, got to take her out before she summons other ones.

I start to go after Weiss, but she backs away. I charge at her with more speed until I was hit by Nora's hammer which stopped my charge and I did a backflip before I landed on the ground. I get up to see that everything is spinning, I feel someone start to shoot at me, I look to see Ren holding his little peashooters. I run towards him to see him backing away, I try to go faster, but as soon as I do, I get punched in the face by Yang. My head snaps to the side as I almost fall over. I loosen my grip on my swords a little bit, but as soon as I did that, my swords went flying over to Pyrrha as she gets both my swords.

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