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(Wrath) get up, we aren't done yet. Open your eyes and get up.

I bolt up breathing heavily.

(Y/n) AARRHHH!!! Haaa. Haaaa.

I look at my naked body to see that I'm alive and I have a lot more scars on my body, especially the huge scar that across my chest.

(Y/n) how, am I still alive?

I look to see that everything is red, I hear Grimm everywhere, coming closer to my direction.
(Looks like this)

(Y/n) where the hell am I?

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(Y/n) where the hell am I?

I then see a death stalker and a nevermore coming straight at me.

The death stalker comes at me and knocks me back into a crystal. I look to see it is about to strike me with its stinger, but I jump and dodge it, but the nevermore threw its feathers at me, which I barely dodged. I then get caught by the death stalker's claw and it starts to crush me. While it's doing that, I feel something boiling up inside of me, something burning. Rage, hatred, despair, pain, it's all there, burning inside my chest. Something snaps inside of me as I use devil's wrath and grip the claw, I then rip off the claw and quickly went for its head and stab it through its skull as it falls down dead.

(Y/n) this feeling, I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. The feeling of releasing my rage upon my enemies, the feeling of brutally killing my enemies, the feeling of my enemies blood on my hands. *smiles*

I look up to see that all kinds of Grimm has come to where I am, beowolves to death stalkers nevermores to boarbatusk to even Goliaths to Dragons.

(Y/n) *smiles* it's been a long time since I had a killing spree... no a good old massacre.

(Blake POV)

I can't believe that Y/n is dead. After everyone was evacuated I saw Ruby was unconscious, it took a couple of days for her to wake up, but she did, I asked if she was alright and then I asked where was Y/n, since she went to go back for him. She told me that he died, that this woman touched his head and he exploded. I was devastated, I am right checking up on Yang, ever since she lost her arm, she has been pretty depressed, it doesn't help that I told her what happen to Y/n either. I hear the door open to see JNPR by the door, all of them looking sad, especially Pyrrha, since he risked his life for her.

(Pyrrha) I came here to apologize.

(Blake) for what?

(Pyrrha) it was my fault that he died, if I would have brought help or if I was stronger...

She started to cry. Jaune came up to comfort her.

(Blake) Pyrrha, it wasn't your fault, he was going to help regardless of either you brought back up or if you were stronger.

(Pyrrha) he was one tough guy.

(Blake) yea he was.

I soon started to break down.

(Shade POV)

I have heard that Y/n has died, we may have known each other for a short while, but I have grown to respect the man. I look at Weiss as she is getting treated for her wounds.

(Weiss) is it true, did Y/n really die?

(Shade) yea, he did, I heard it from his team.

She looked down, she looked very upset of his death.

(Shade) what did he mean to you?

(Weiss) a person you can rely on being there when you need him, a person who you can lean on if things get bad. He was a good friend.

(Shade) yea, I don't know him as well as you, but he was a respectable man.

(Weiss) he was.

I look at her, I see that she has change, that her heart isn't as cold as when we where children, she has changed.

(Y/n POV)

I am standing upon a pile of Grimm corpses, I am covered in blood. I was enjoying the moment until I snapped myself out of it.

(Y/n) what the hell.

I realized that I feel back into my old self... no something is pulling me back. I then here a familiar voice.

(Wrath) Yes! Let it consume you.

(Y/n) what did you do to me.

(Wrath) I did nothing.

(Y/n) how did you take control of me.

(Wrath) Salem did something to me, empower me to be more real to you, now when you lose yourself in a fight. I am in control, and when I take the wheel, we are going berserk.

(Y/n) fuck off, I'm in control.

(Wrath) for now, but slowly I will chip away your sanity, until you are mind is broken and your spirit is turned to dust.

(Y/n) what happen to you, why are you trying to get rid of me?

(Wrath) because I just want to show everyone my wrath, to see everyone fall to their knees and show them that they are inferior to me!

(Y/n) no I won't let you control me.

(Wrath) it is true that I can not control you now, your spirit and mind is too strong right now. But the power you harness, makes you more powerful, you can heal from fatal wounds, you can as fast as lighting and as strong as to rio a dragons head off. But there is where I come in, your berserker mode to say will make it that no one can stop you, but that is where you lose your sanity, I can take the wheel and chip away your sanity and your life. It will slowly kill you, and I'll be there to take its place.

(Y/n) hahahaha, then the solution is simple, I won't use it.

(Wrath) we will see.

I start to walk off to find somewhere to sleep. I stumble upon a temple of some sort there.

(Y/n) hmm, not a bad place to hide out. Hmm wounded what's down further.

After walking into the temple, I see a long hallway leading me to a mantle. As I got closer I see that there were dual katanas.
(Looks like this)

(Looks like this)

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(Y/n) nice.

I grab them and walk outside the temple to look at the broken moon.

(Y/n) I will come back for you Blake. I just need to find out how to get out of here.

(A/n: ok well now you have a unknown power that every time y/n uses it, it slowly kills him and Wrath will take y/n's place. Also there will be another chapter posted right after this, but it's more for info about Y/n currently. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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