Breaking Hearts

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I stayed hidden, contemplating on what I should do.

(Y/n) I should go talk to her, no because that would make things worse, but she deserves to know, then again, she will be even more heartbroken, it would be worse as a letter... *sigh* no, she has suffered enough, she at least deserves a face to face conversation.

I get up and walked up behind her, she then looks behind her and she had the biggest shocked face I have ever seen. She soon smiles and throws herself onto me.

(Blake) Never leave me again! You hear me!

(Y/n mind) maybe I should have written a note... well, no turning back now.

(Y/n) Blake, I-I'm break up with you.

(Blake) w-what do you mean?

(Y/n) I can't be with you.

(Blake) What!? Why?!

I can hear her voice cracking and streams of tears flowing down her face. The sight of this crushes my heart, fuck me this really hurts.

(Y/n) I'm going insane, everything I touch either is destroyed or killed, and I don't want that to happen to you or anyone you care about.

(Blake) I refuse, we can help you, I can help you, you can learn to control it or we can help you find Salem... just don't shut us out. Don't shut me out.

(Y/n) I have tried for four months, and all of them have failed. Listen, this hurts me just as much as it hurts you. I do want to be with you, I want us to get married and live next to the beach, but that life is only for heroes and good people. I am neither.

I feel her grip on me getting tighter, afraid of me leaving.

(Blake) don't leave me, please, I love you to much!

Every moment right now is painful, it's unbearable.

(Y/n) I'm sorry, but I can't. I will always love you, my little kitty.

I can hear her sobbing uncontrollably, she sounds like she wants to say something, but she is unable too. We stay like this for a little bit until she is able to ask a request.

(Blake) c-c-can you a-at least s-s-stay until I fall a-asleep.

(Y/n) yes I can.

We walk into the house and in her room, she lays on the bed as I lay next to her. We are like this for awhile, I start to stare up at the ceiling and remember all the good times with Blake, the time we had our first date, our first kiss, our first time. I then look at Blake's sleeping face, I kiss her on the forehead, but when I pulled back she was starting to look blurry, in fact so did everything around me. I then felt something... wet go down my check, I touched it and I realized that I was crying, more started to come down my face until it was like a broken faucet.

(Y/n) I-I don't want do this, I want to be with her. Why can't live a peaceful life? Why do I have though this fucking life?

I soon start to get pissed at myself, at why I keep making her cry? A good boyfriend isn't suppose to do that. I then realize what I just said, I just answered my question.

(Y/n) good, I was born in this world to be become many things, but good isn't one of them.

I carefully get up, trying not to wake up Blake, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started to write my last thoughts, I opened a portal.

(Y/n) time to see what a Raven can tell me about Watts.

(Time skip, Blake's POV)

I awake by someone lightly asking me, I open my eyes to see Yang.

(Yang) I'm sorry Blake.

(Blake) sorry for what?

I look to Shade with reading a piece of paper, he looks sad.

(Shade) you should read this.

I take the paper and start to read.

Dear Blake,

If you are reading this, then I am already long gone, I don't want you to keep searching for a broken man, who beyond repair. Instead, I want you to live your life, to have fun, to find love, to have a family. I thank you for everything, you have shown me love, a feeling I have thought impossible for someone like me. Just remember, I will always love you, no matter how far I fall down this dark pit, you will always be there in my heart.

I sat there, feeling sad. I have no more tears to cry out, Yang and Shade went up and hugged me.

(A/n: I know this chapter is short, but don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter where your going to have a talk with Raven and Watts. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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