Catching Up

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(Pyrrha) what happened to you.

(Y/n) before I can answer anything, I have to know, how long have I've been gone.

(Jaune) seven months.

(Y/n) well shit. Anyway gather everyone up, and I'll tell everyone the news.

(Pyrrha) ok I think it is best if we meet up at Blake's home, she needs to know that your alive.

(Y/n) that's the problem, I mean look at me.

(Jaune) well I think you need a shower first because, damn you stink.

(Y/n) well, I can imagine, there wasn't exactly any source of water anywhere.

(Jaune) wait then how-

(Y/n) ok I'll explain everything later, but that's not the point. I mean look at me, I don't exactly look the same as I was before.

(Pyrrha) your worried that Blake won't love you anymore.

(Y/n) yea.

I look at the grass feeling upset, then I felt a sudden pain on my check. I look up to Pyrrha has slapped

(Y/n) what the hell was that for.

(Pyrrha) for thinking that. Blake doesn't care how you look, she only cares about you being with her. She loves you for you, so don't you dare have any doubts about her loving you.

(Y/n)... that's the least of my worries. I am more worried about her accepting my... other side.

(Jaune) what do you mean by that.

(Y/n) *sigh* never mind I'll explain it when all of guys meet at Blake's house.

(Jaune) alright then, we will see you there.

(Y/n) oh and one last thing, could you guys come over later, about a hour or two later, because I think Blake would want some time with me. You know realizing I'm alive and all that.

(Pyrrha) three hours then.

(Y/n) thanks and I just realize I never met her parents before.

(Jaune) you never met her parents before.

(Y/n) yea, I mean she talked about them and where she lived, but I never been there.

(Jaune) well I'm sure you'll make a great impression on her parents.

(Y/n) oh yea, hey I'm Blake's boyfriend, I'm the reason she's been depressed for six months, nice to meet you. Fucking awesome first impression.

(Jaune) well... I mean...

(Y/n) Listen, I know you meant well, but I don't think they will like me at all.

(Pyrrha) I'm sure if you explain yourself, they'll understand.

(Y/n) yea, how do I explain the part where I blew up into tiny chunks of meat and somehow I'm ok.

(Pyrrha) oh, I thought you would have a answer for that.

(Y/n) yeah I know just as much as you do about what happened to me.

(Jaune) well what are you going to do?

(Y/n) hell if I know, I'll think of something.

(Pyrrha) ok, well see you in a few hours.

I put my hood up and start to walk away towards Blake's house.

(Y/n) what the hell am I going to do. Hmm, I might pick up some flowers.

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