A night out

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A/n so this is your night out with Blake. So I hope I can make this chapter good, now onto the story. Sorry if it's not that good on the date part.

(Y/n) oh yea, I'm going on a date with Blake tonight. Well I don't know if you would call it that, she just wants to hang out.

I head back to my dorm to think about what happen today. I saw my family again and it didn't go so well, to say the least. I laid down in my bed to pass the time.

(???) you should have killed them when you had the chance.

I woke up suddenly from the voice, I looked around my dorm to see no one there.

(Y/n) damn, I'm going crazy.

I looked at the clock to see that it is almost seven.

(Y/n) time to pick up Blake.

(Blake POV)
I am getting dressed for my date with y/n until Yang came up to me.

(Yang) so who's the lucky guy who asked you out.

(Blake) his name is y/n

She had a shocked expression along with Ruby and even Weiss.

(Weiss) why are you going out with him out of all people.

(Blake) I don't know, he just caught my interest.

(Yang) so you like my brother, and he likes you?

(Blake) No, we are just hanging out to get to know each other.

(Yang) isn't that called a date?

(Blake) we are just hanging out.

(Ruby) so why are you getting all dressed up?

(Blake) its just a black dress.

I then here a knock on the door, I opened it to see
Y/n.(wearing the same outfit in the last chapter)

(Y/n POV)
I knocked on the door of her dorm, the door open to see Blake in a simple black dress. I stood there dumbfounded by the way she looked.

(Y/n mind) damn, she's beautiful, ah what am I thinking, don't get your hopes up I'm not her type.

(Blake) so ready to go?

(Y/n) y-yea.

Did I just stutter, I've hadn't stutter since I was little. Is it cause she looks beautiful, what the hell.

(Blake) so where we going?

(Y/n) I was thinking we could go the this seafood place I know, it has the best fish and chips there.

(Time skip after dinner)
We were walking around vale, Blake started to talk.

(Blake) so how did you end up at beacon?

(Y/n) surprisingly, he wanted me to join, which even still trying to figure out.

(Blake) well, maybe he sees good in you.

(Y/n) don't know what he sees in me.

She walks in front of me and smiles.

(Blake) well I see a man who just needs a little guidance.

(Y/n) hm, and I see a woman is crazy enough to agree to go out with me.

She starts laugh and it is really cute, I can't help but to smile.

(Y/n mind) what the hell is with this girl, I feel like I can tell her anything. My stomach gets all twisted when I get closer to her, when she smiles, I can't help but smile back, when she laughs my heart flutters, and when she talks, I feel like I can listen to her forever. Am l falling for her, is this what it feels like, I thought it would be a slow process, not something that would happen to me in one night. I should probably stop, she won't love me, there is nothing about me to love.

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