A Uncomfortable Night

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(Wrath) why do you keep coming back for her?

(Y/n) no, your not starting this.

(Wrath) oh yes I am, I know what we want, we need to kill Salem.

(Y/n) no, my objective is Blake, nothing more.

(Wrath) look at you! Your a monster, do you thing she can ever love you.

(Y/n) she said that she would love me no matter what.

(Wrath) bullshit, she may say that now, but let's wait for a couple of months. When you will slowly start to show her how much you really changed.

(Y/n) no she won't.

(Wrath) hahaha! She will leave you for someone better, like a certain monkey.

(Y/n) not another word.

Suddenly, the room changes, now I am are standing in front of a door, which seems to be a hotel setting.

(Y/n) what are you playing at here.

I didn't get get a answer.

(Y/n) I know this isn't real.

I then hear moaning and a bed getting hit against a wall.

(Y/n) this isn't real, your just fucking with me.

My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door to see Blake and Sun having sex.

(Blake) Y/n, what are you doing here?

I didn't speak knowing it's not real.

(Sun) what's wrong, sad that your kitty likes my banana better.

(Y/n) no this isn't real.

(Sun) oh this is as real as you. She doesn't want a monster who is scared of himself, she wants a man how can protect her from monsters like you.

I slowly walk towards Sun and grab is throat.

(Y/n) fuck it if your real or not. I'm ripping your throat out.

Before I can do anything else I feel a blade go through my chest. I look behind me to see Blake has stabbed me.

(Blake) let my boyfriend go you monster.

I let him go as Blake's goes to him. I then look at then with killer intent.

(Wrath) yes. That's it, let the darkness consume you, let the rage consume you, let yourself go.

I then hear a voice inside my head.

(Blake) Y/n wake up.

I then shoot up awake.

(Blake) are you ok Y/n?

(Y/n) yea, I'm fine.

(Blake) you sure, because you were shaking in your sleep.

(Y/n) I-I just had a nightmare.

(Blake) wanna talk about it.

(Y/n) later, anyway what's up.

(Blake) umm, our friends are here.

(Y/n) Alright, let's go.

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