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(Y/n) no, I won't go.

(Yang) so your not going to help us.

(Y/n) No.

(Yang) and what of Blake and your friends.

(Y/n) I already cut ties with all of them.

She seemed to get more pissed, but Shade put his arm around her.

(Shade) come on Yang, let's go.

They started walking out until Shade said something.

(Shade) you know, I thought people just misunderstood you, that you were a good person deep down, but it seemed like everyone was right.

(Y/n) you were a fool to believe that I was something different.

With that said they left, leaving me to there own thoughts.

(Y/n mind) Raven has some nerve asking for help, I mean, she left me in the care of one sorry excuse for a father, and a alcoholic.

I started to remember something that Blake said to me.


(Blake) I would forgive them just so you don't have to carry that pain, hatred and anger.

*flashback ends*

(Y/n) maybe... alright, I'll see what their situation looks like, and then I'll decide if I should help.

I opened a portal and went through it, when I walk out I found myself in the forest.

(Y/n) if I remember correctly, the camp is this way.

I eventually got there.

(Y/n) hmm, and not a single Grimm in sight, looks like they don't need me, but I'll go check to see how Blake is doing.

I got near the entrance and climbed a near by tree, I decided to wait till night since it would be easier to sneak around. I climbed up to a spot with a sturdy branch and sat down on it, I relaxed into it and closed my eyes hoping I would get some sleep.

(???) so, what exactly are you planning?

That voice sounds familiar... I open my eyes to see Bran kneeling in front of me.

(Y/n) what? How are you here?

(Bran) I'm in your head stupid.

(Y/n) right.

(Bran) you know kid, you never gave me an answer.

(Y/n) to what?

(Bran) why are you still fighting?


(Bran) I mean, you shut out all of your friends, you avoid your family, and you broke up with your girlfriend. So I know you ain't doing it to protect your loved ones.

(Y/n) why do you even care?

(Bran) because remember what I told you before, you got to have a reason to keep fighting, unless you won't get stronger.

(Y/n) all that matters is that I kill Salem.

(Bran) so it's about revenge.

(Y/n) she took everything away from me, so I'm going to take everything from her, including her life.

(Bran) did she take everything away from you? Or did you push everything away from you?

(???) who's out there?

That voice sounds familiar. I look down to see Blake outside the camp.

(Y/n) was I actually talking that loud?

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