Till My Last Breath

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(A/n: song goes so well. Also stick around to the end.)

(Pyrrha POV)
Cinder has beaten me, this is where I die. I looked up at Cinder as she pulls the string on her bow.

(Pyrrha) so you believe in destiny?

She looks at my and smirks.

(Cinder) yes I do.

I she releases the arrow, but I then see a flash and something heavy landed on me, I look down to see Y/n has took the arrow for me and he his covered in blood.

(Pyrrha) Y/n!

(Y/n POV)

I then turn to strike her, but she dodges and goes back a couple of feet. I get up, the arrow is in my back. I look to my left to see Ruby was there.

(Cinder) hmm, so you three are going to take me down. *chuckles* I don't think so.

(Y/n) no, your going to be facing me.

(Ruby/Pyrrha) What!

(Pyrrha) you can't you'll die, look how much blood is on you.

(Y/n) just go.

(Ruby) please Y/n, even you have a limit.

(Y/n) Ruby, bring Pyrrha to safety... and make sure Blake is ok.

(Ruby) not without you!

(Y/n) Ruby... go... take her somewhere safe, please.

(Ruby) ok, but please come back to us.

(Y/n) sure.

She then leaves and I face Cinder. My breathing is unsteady, my vision is getting darker, I don't have much time left.

(Cinder) do you think you can defeat me in that condition.

I don't answer her, I just bolt toward her. She then uses her agility to dodge me, she shoots a arrow at me, I try to deflect it, but the arrow shatters and goes past my sword, but it reforms and it digs into my shoulder.

(Y/n mind) ...! What the fuck was that.

It looks like her arrows can shatter and reform, preventing me to defend against it.

(Y/n) it doesn't matter, I will charge at her and rip her apart.

I look at her and charge forward, she backs away shooting arrows at me, I ignore the pain and keep moving forward. At first she was surprised, but that soon turned to fear. She kept moving back until she hit a wall.

(Y/n) got you!

I try to impale her with my sword, but she smiled and stabs me through the stomach with her sword. I look up at her to see a flame in her hand, she then points it toward me and it explodes with fire. I was thrown back into debris.

(Y/n mind) why do I keep fighting, it would be easier to just close my eyes and let it all go, no more pain, no more suffering, no more fighting.

I start to close my eyes, letting go of everything.

(Blake) please come back to me.

My eyes shoot open from a voice.

(Ruby) come back to us.

(Pyrrha) come back in one piece.

I start to pick myself up.

(Jaune) come on man, your stronger than this.

(Ren) you are a strong one.

(Nora) come on, break there legs.

I am on my feet, I pick up my swords and look at Cinder with a shocked expression.

(Cinder) Impossible! You should be dead!

(Y/n) no... I can't die yet... I still have people how believe in me... who care for me... who love me... people I have to go back to.

I raise my sword and point at her.

(Y/n) I will not Succumb to death! I will kill you!

I bolt at her.

(Cinder) then I will beat you until your just a red paste.

She gets out her weapons and start to come at me. I use devil's wrath and clash swords with her, she then kicks me back and try's to pummel me with ice shards which I shatter them all. I start to bolt to her, she summons fire to try to burn me, she throws one at me, but I take it and the next thing I know is that I'm right next to her. I then stabbed her through her side. I then punch her face repeatedly then I bash her into the debris. I then cut cut both her legs making her fall to the ground.

(Y/n) This is the end!

I then swing both my swords at her neck, it was so close that I could see the fear in her eyes. I was inches away from her neck until I saw a spray of blood and a something went through my chest. I dropped my sword to see a pale woman with with white hair and red eyes.

(???) I'm so disappointed in you Cinder, this half dead man almost killed you.

(Cinder) mistress! I am so sorry.

(???) hmm, now who is this man.

I am struggling to breath, it hurts so much to even breath.

(???) oh, I still see that you has fire in your eyes.

The thing in my chest retracted and I fall on my knees.

(???) hmm, I like this boy.

She then kisses me, I try to pull away, but I have exhausted all of my strength, I then feel a burning sensation on my neck.


(Salem) I am Salem, and this is your grave.

(Ruby) Y/n!

I look to see Ruby is back here.

(Salem) looks like I have to go, see you later, boy.

I look to my left to see Ruby, about to be in tears.

(Y/n mind) goodbye, thank you for giving me a good life. I'm going to miss you all, especially you, Blake.

(Ruby POV)

I see a white woman put her hand on Y/n's head, then suddenly his whole body blows up, he was gone, I was so sad, so angry I felt something strong about to come out. The last thing I saw of Y/n is him smiling at me.

The End.

(Wrath) open your eyes Y/n. We ain't done yet.

(A/n: it's not over yet. Well hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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