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(A/n: hope you guys had a awesome Christmas, Hanukkah, what other people celebrate. I don't know any others so yea. Well enjoy the chapter.)

(???) we really took a beating.

I look up to see him standing across from me.

(Y/n) we?

(???) I am part of you, did you forget already.

(Y/n) what do you want now?

(???) I want answers.

(Y/n) about what.

(???) there's a lot of things, but let's start with, why are you so trusting with these people? I mean, it's like your asking to be backstabbed by them.

(Y/n) I don't know, I'm starting to believe that they truly want to be friends.

(???) really, how can you be so sure. Do you really think, that this is some fairytale bullshit of friendship and always being there for each other? Well news flash, this ain't no fairytale, this is real life, where people will rip apart the weak. We will break this world apart, to show them that we are king!

(Y/n) But, what if not everyone is a heartless person. Like, JNPR, Blake, Velvet, and maybe Yang and Ruby. What if they truly want us to be a family again.

(???) Don't be foolish, if they truly wanted us to be a family then they wouldn't have treated us like a punching bag.

(Y/n) ...maybe,... just maybe.

(???) you know I'm right.

I awake to hear a constant beeping sound and a room of sort, I then realize that I'm in the infirmary.

(Y/n) uhh, I feel like crap.

I try to lift my right arm only to feel a weight, I looked to my side to see a sleeping Blake.
(A/n: I know, so cliché)
I notice that her bow is off so her cat ears are out for all to see, I stare for a bit at her.

(Y/n mind) she looks much cuter without the bow.

I hear the door knob turn to see Ozpin walk in.

(Ozpin) y/n, your awake.

(Y/n) yes I am.

I then feel movement on my arm, I look to see Blake wake up. She rubs her eyes to be met by mine.

(Y/n) hey.

She is surprised to say the least and hugs me tightly.

(Blake) your awake!

That's when I started to feel pain all through my body.

(Y/n) hhnnn!

(Blake) ah, Sorry!

(Y/n) Blake calm down, I'm alright. Hmm, I missed you.

(Blake) I did too.

(Ozpin) I see that you two need some catching up to do, meet me at my office when your done, and also I will notify JNPR and RWY that you are awake.

(Y/n) sooo, your a Faunus?

(Blake) yes.

(Y/n) so, mind telling me why we were infiltrating a white fang operation?

(Blake) because I... I was part of the white fang.


(Blake) I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but I just thought you mig-

I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

(Y/n) I don't care. I don't care if you are a Faunus or part of the white fang, I still care about you.

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