First day of beacon

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A/n so here's the next chapter, if you guys have any questions or comments let me know and back to the story.
(Y/n POV)
I woke up in an unfamiliar room, I sat up from my bed then I remembered what happen yesterday.

(Y/n) oh, right, I remember now.

I got up took a shower and looked in my closet to only see uniforms.

(Y/n) damn, i need to go to my apartment to get my clothes, unless I'm wearing this and my armor.

I got dressed in the uniform and put my swords at my hip, I looked at my scroll to see my class schedule.

(Y/n) going to class, when was the last time I went to class. Still can't believe Ozpin wants me to attend beacon.

I see that my first class is professor ports class. I head over there to see class is almost about to start, when I wake through the door the room went dead silent and I could feel all there eyes starring at me. I ignored them, but I can hear what there talking about.

(???) hey, isn't that the guy how almost killed Pyrrha.

(???) I heard he killed four thugs without remorse.

(???) why is he here, does he think he can be a hunter?

I had taken a seat in the class, but then a white haired girl went up to me.

(???) excuse me, your in my seat.

(Y/n) last time I checked, this seat doesn't have your name on it, Weiss schnee.

(Weiss) so you know who your messing with, then I suggest you move.

(Y/n) hehehehe sorry princess, some people maybe intimidated by you, but to me, your just like a pup all bark and no bite, So piss off princess.

(Weiss) oh I will show you my fangs!

(Y/n) your best fighter couldn't defeat me, what make you think you can. So sit somewhere else and shut up.

The professor came in to stop this conflict before it got out of hand and told Weiss to go sit somewhere else. Class started and it was deathly boring, I knew I would die one day, but not by this. The class finally ended and it was lunch, I headed to get my lunch until someone graded my arm that was sitting at a table, I looked to see who it was, and it was my sister, Yang.

(Y/n) the hell do you want.

(Yang) I just want to talk.

(Y/n) there is nothing to talk about between us.

(Yang) will you just hear me out.

(Y/n) why the hell should I.

(Yang) please we are sorry for what we did.

(Y/n) I don't want your apologies, I want you to leave me the fuck alone.

(Ruby) please, just come with us tomorrow and let us show you how much we are sorry.

(Y/n) and why would I do that.

(Yang) ok how about this, if you let us show you how much our family is sorry and you don't accept then we won't bother you again.

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