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(A/n: you guys are getting a earlier chapter. Anyway hope you enjoy.)

(Raven POV)

I get myself up from the rubble to see Blake on the floor and Y/n screaming in anger. I can feel is aura spike to the point where it even sends chills down my spine. He starts to walk over to Cinder who looks terrified, Y/n has a blood red shadow over him, he picks up his swords and dashes toward Cinder with inhuman speed, before Cinder can react he strikes her with the hilt of his sword and she goes into the ground. I run over to Blake to see if she is still alive, and somehow she is still alive. I hear an explosion behind me, I look to see a wall of fire and Cinder looks tired.

(Raven mind) that looked like it took a lot of power.

A shadow appears behind the flames, Y/n walks out of the flames, but his armor is gone, he only has his pants and shoes on. There are flames burning his shoulders, but he seems unphased by it.

(Y/n) you took my only happiness away, my only light... and know... I WILL TAKE YOUR LIFE!!!

He changes toward her, so much rage is pouring out of him, to the point where the ground around him is burning. She uses her maiden powers as lighting strikes Y/n, stopping him dead in his tracks. He falls to his knees. I then hear someone else behind me, I look to see Yang and Shade.

(Yang) what happened here?!

(Raven) Blake is injured badly, she jumped in front of an attack from Cinder to save Y/n, he went berserk and started attacking her. Right now he thinks she is dead.

(Raven) Yang, Shade, help he get Blake out of here.

(Shade POV)

(Shade) I'll stay here.

(Raven) and do what?

(Shade) someone's got to calm Y/n down, so I'm gonna try to bring him to his senses.

(Raven) I don't think that is possible.

(Shade) I know I can do it... believe in me.

(Yang) come back to me in one piece you hear.

Yang gives me a quick peck on the lips as the carry Blake to the bullhead. I look back to see Y/n charging at Cinder, she summons a huge gust of wind as he goes flying in the air, she then uses the wind to bring him down into the ground. She then gathers some leaves, I see them freeze and are shot at Y/n as he stands up. The leaves hit him, but they are all shattering on impact. He then runs up to her again, she throws a fireball at him, but he ignores it and stabs in the stomach, I see her cough up blood and she falls on the ground. She tries to pit up a fight, but he quickly grabs her arm and bends it in half hearing a loud crack. She screams in agony, he pulls the sword out of her stomach, he tosses both swords aside and he starts to punch her in the face. He then grabs her blacken arm and begins to pull. She screams some more as I hear a spine chilling pop and tearing of flesh, he manages to rip her arm off and proceed to beat her with her own arm. I then notice something behind me, I look to see all sorts of Grimm come out of the forest, Beowolfs to Death stalkers to Boarbatusk to lancers to even a Goliath, come to this one area. They surround Y/n, Cinder, and me, but they stop, like they were waiting for a command. I look back at Y/n to see him still holding her arm. He then walks over to one of his swords and picks it up, he then points it at her neck.

(Y/n) no, not yet. A dog should die along with its master.

He then looks around to see the Grimm surrounding us, he looks confused at first, but he speaks.

(Y/n) Sit!

At the same time they all sit down.

(Y/n) Rise.

The did what Y/n said, they followed his command, like he was in charge or like he was the Alpha.

(Y/n) pick her up, and don't kill her, I'll be doing that right after I kill Salem.

(Shade) Y/n!

I see him turn around.

(Y/n) Who's that?

(Shade) you, I'm calling you.

(Wrath) no *smiles* I'm Wrath.

(Shade) what!?

(Wrath) hehehe, after seeing Blake die in front on him, he lost all willpower to keep fighting, which gave me a chance to take control.

(Shade) but, Blake isn't dead, she's alive. Y/n she's alive.

(Wrath) *sigh* silly fox, he's already too far gone to hear you.

(Shade) no, he can't, he has to hear me somehow.

(Wrath) like I said, he has dug himself a deep dark hole and he crawled right in it. Right now he is sitting in that hole probably thinking of the good times with her. Now scram little fox.

(Shade) so what are you going to do?

(Wrath) to kill the most powerful person and take her place as king.

(Shade) so you will become the new evil.

(Wrath) give or take.

(Shade) I'm sorry, but I cannot let you proceed.

(Wrath) and you are going to do. You won't be able to touch me, these Grimm will crush you before you can even draw your sword.

(Shade) you think I'm afraid of dying?

(Wrath) attack me and I'll go after your girl.

I felt my heart sank, I wanted to attack him so badly, but I knew if I did, he would go after Yang.

(Wrath) good choice, I will fight you eventually, but I wonder if I should kill you or that blond whore first.

I had to clench my fist so I would not attack, he really wanted to fight me.

(Wrath) see you later, foxy.

He then walks into the forest along with his Grimm. I stand there having mixed emotions.

(Shade) Y/n is lost, he has let his demons control his actions. I hope he can regain control, or else I will have to kill him.

I start to see a bullhead, it lands and that hatch opens up.

(Shade) *sigh* this is going to break Blake's heart when I tell her that Y/n is lost.

(A/n: ok, looks like Cinder is alive for now. Now, do you guys want me to kill Cinder or spare her after we kill Salem? Hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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