Ruined Memories

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(A/n: yes I get a lot of inspiration from berserk, I love the series.)

How long has it been, days, weeks, months, years, I cannot tell, I'm starting to feel my sanity wearing down. I don't look the same as I was, whatever Salem did to me, it is changing me. There's no water nor food here, except for the Grimm, and there's no trees for to make a fire. I have been walking in one direction and I feel like I'm getting no where, Grimm often attack me, I think there more active here then out there. I look up to see miles of crystals and red dirt.

(Y/n) how the hell am I suppose to get out of here.

I keep walking until I see a strange tower in the distance.

(Y/n) maybe that's my way out.

At this point I was desperate, I didn't care who was in it, I'm getting the hell out of here. I walk toward the door to see that no ones guarding it. I walk in to see a hallway and a stairs leading up. I walk up stairs to see no one there.

(Y/n) hmm, no ones home.

I enter a room to see a red orb.

(Y/n) wonder what this is.

I was inspecting the orb and the it suddenly started glowing, and something behind my neck started to burn, I know what that is, it's the mark that Salem put on me, before I died.
(Looks like this. Just trust me on this)

Then there was a red portal

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Then there was a red portal.

(Y/n) this looks familiar, isn't that what Raven can do with her sword.

I then walk through the portal and I fell onto sum rubble.

(Y/n) Arh, shit, where am I.

I look around to see that I am in beacon, or what's left of it. I then hear something behind me, I turn around to see a Beringel standing towering over me.

(Y/n) what do you want?

It roars and tries to smash me, I pull out my swords and cut its hands off before I could get smashed, it roars in pain. I quickly go for its stomach and I stab it into its stomach, I then slid my swords across its stomach, releasing his innards onto the ground, it whimpers in pain and falls onto the ground.

(Y/n) hmm, either the Grimm here are weaker, or I have become to familiar with this.

I begin to walk over the remains of beacon. I start to walk to where I saved Blake, then to the place where I died. When I got up there, I saw the mess I made from the battle.

(Y/n) you can still see the blood.

I then see something glimmer from under some rubble. I moved the rubble to see that it was my old swords, but they are now broken I'm half.

(Y/n) what a shame, it was a parting gift from Bran. Wonder what he is doing, wonder if he's even still alive.

I then see a piece of paper laying on the ground. I go over there and pick it up, to see that it was a picture of me and Blake snuggling together on a couch. I remember that Yang took that picture, she gave one to Blake and one to me. I really liked that picture.

(Y/n) will you still call me your lover, even though I look like a monster.

I was about to walk down, but I see two alpha beowolves standing behind me.

(Y/n) what do you guys want.

They started getting closer.

(Y/n) fine let's get this over with.

I pull out my swords, they got closer, but when they did they stopped, and soon they started to back away and they left.

(Y/n) what the hell was that.

I begin to walk off the building, and soon went to Vale, to see if that place is any better. I went down there and it's not as infested with Grimm as beacon, but still looks like a shit.

(Y/n) hmm, wonder where they went after the attack?

I start to walk into the forest. After some time I found some graves. I start to look at the tombs. John, Annie, Liza, Connor, I then see a tomb that had a bunch of flowers on it, Y/n.

(Pyrrha POV)

I am on my way to Y/n grave to give him my respects. I know I do it everyday, but I owe him my life. Ever since he saved me, my life has been good, Jaune confessed, I was so happy when he confessed.

(Jaune) hey, who's that by Y/n grave?

I look up to see a tall man wearing a black fur armor with his hood up, he has two katanas on his left hip, he has spikes on his arm and a Grimm skull on his right shoulder. We walk up to him, but he doesn't look back at us.

(Jaune) umm, sir, excuse me.

He moves a little bit to the left.

(Pyrrha) are you a friend of his.

He just stands there, not talking, I can't see his face because of his hood.

(Jaune) not much of a talker are you.

(???) ... no, I'm not.

(Pyrrha) Y/n was a great friend... he saved my life.

I can feel tears start to fall from my face.

(Pyrrha) his girlfriend, Blake, she hasn't been herself lately, she fell into a depression, she hasn't left her house for six months, she's been in her room crying. We try to cheer her up, it works for a little bit, but after she goes back to her room and cries. It should have been me who should have died not him, or...
I-I don't know.

(???) you guys care about him.

(Pyrrha) yes, me, Jaune, his team, his sisters, Weiss. We just...

(???) haaa, I guess it's time to tell you who I am...
I am Y/n.

(Y/n POV)

I see that Pyrrha is speechless, but Jaune is first to speak.

(Jaune) your cruel, we lost a dear friend and you pretend to be him.

(Y/n) I am Y/n.

I pull away hood and look at them Pyrrha and Jaune seemed shocked for not only seeing me alive, by also my different features.

(A/n: ok well next chapter is going to be Y/n reuniting everyone. Hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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