Finding Blake

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A/n: ok here's the next chapter which will most likely be a two parter so hope you enjoy.

(Y/n POV)
I know the perfect place to what I would say if I had a lead.

(Y/n mind) son of a bitch, where do I start. There has been so many robberies lately it's so hard to track. Hmm why would she disappear like that, where would she go. Come on y/n think... ok if she went off on her own, she would probably be searching for the people who robbed the dust crystals or at least find out who did, but does she know who did it or is it some gang planing something big, whatever the answer is, if I find out who they are and when the next break in is, I might be able to find her. Hmm Junior might know... well it's a start none less.

I head over to Junior's bar and I see him serving drinks.

(Junior) y/n, hows it going?

(Y/n) eh, same old crap, anyway I wanted to ask you something.

(Junior) sure, what is it you want to ask me?

(Y/n) know anything about the robberies lately?

(Junior) sorry, don't know anything about it.

(Y/n) come on, I know you know something about it.

(Junior) since when did you care about the Schnee dust companies.

(Y/n) I don't, I have other reasons to, now do you know anything about it or not.

(Junior) like I said, I don't know anything.

(Y/n) I swear, if your holding back anything, I will-

(Junior) I'm sorry I don't, now can you stop interrogating me. Ask someone else, they might know something.

(Y/n) alright, see you Junior.

I walk out of the bar and start to think.

(Y/n) hmm, who else would know about this... crap I got to go meet him, but right now he's my best chance.

(Time skip)
I start to walk to the Schnee mansion I climb up the bars and walk around to the back entrance, I opened the door and went up stairs. Down the hall there was a double door room, I walked over to it and opened it.

(Jacques) just put it on the desk Klein.

(Y/n) do I look like one of your damn butlers.

He turns around with a shocked expression.

(Jacques) y/n, what are you doing here.

(Y/n) I'm here to ask you about the robberies that had occurred.

(Jacques) why so interested?

(Y/n) I have my reasons.

(Jacques) so what do you want.

(Y/n) I need to see the footage and the locations of all your dust industries.

(Jacques) I'm sorry, I can't preform any of those request.

(Y/n) yes, you are.

(Jacques) I will not let some lowlife walk into my house and ask for these ridiculous request!

(Y/n) don't get full of yourself you piece of shit, I don't have time for this crap. Now, you are going to get what I ask for or I will bring this fucking company and your fortune to the ground. I know you deal with the underworld and I know the people you deal with. So what will it be?

(Jacques) ok, I'll get you what I need.

After he gives me what I need I take my leave. I was about to get onto the bullhead I hear a voice behind me.

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