Believing in people

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A/n so you must be wondering about that voice who wanted to kill Pyrrha, it'll be explained in time. Also I'll be making another book that will be more opened to the readers choice then this book, I know it is not as opened then it should but I'm just trying to get the hang of this, well onto the story.
P.s language warning.

(Y/n POV)
(Y/n) shit, I'm going to hear it now.

(Ozpin) well that was a unexpected outcome, especially the part where you almost killed my student.

(Y/n) and that's why I'm leaving.

(Ozpin) actually I was going to ask you to join.

(Y/n).....wait, what. Wait, hold the phone, your asking me to join this school, even after I almost killed your student. What make me look like hunter material?

(Ozpin) I can see you doing great things, we just need to work on your, personality and motives... actually a lot of things.

(Y/n) then why even try with me! There are a lot of other people who can be better hunters than I can. I have killed men, gutted women, does that sound like a person that can do great things. This world does not need me.

(Ozpin) people can change, other people, including yourself, see a monster, I see differently I see a man who is just misguided and has been wronged one too many times by the world, and now he shuts himself out from the world.

(Y/n) you know what, don't talk to me like you know everything that has happened to me, because you know nothing.

(Ozpin) ok, then prove me wrong, stay here for six months and if nothing changes, you can walk right out.

(Y/n) I already won our first bet, not making another one with you so bye.

As I was about to walk out he said something that grabbed my attention.

(Ozpin) so Yang and Ruby are right, you do run away from problems.

(Y/n) what did you say?

(Ozpin) I'm not repeating myself.

(Y/n) you think this is running away! You have a lot of nerve saying that, cause you know what, nothing will change if I stay in this shithole.

(Ozpin) then prove it.

(Y/n) fine I will, if nothing changes in six months I get to walk out of here, no if, ands, or buts.

(Ozpin) deal, your dorm is down the hall, take a left, and the third door to the right is your dorm.

He hands me a strange device.

(Y/n) what's this?

(Ozpin) your scroll it will get you into your dorm.

(Y/n) thanks, see you.

(Ozpin) have a nice day.

As I was walking down the halls trying to find my dorm I was thinking about the conversation, then it hit me of what just happened.

(Y/n mind) did I just make a deal with him about staying here for six months, for no real reason, even after I our previous agreement......FUCK!!! I totally just got played, great now I'm stuck here for six months cause my pride won't let me back down from a agreement, that I made.

A/n sorry for the short chapter, this is really just a chapter about y/n and Ozpin but I will make the chapters longer, well hope you guys like it and see you in the next chapter.

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