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(A/n: ok short chapter, but don't worry, the shit is going to hit the fan real soon.)

(???) you have completely lost yourself.

(Y/n) no, I'm still myself, just better.

(???) how is this any better! You have forgotten your purpose!

(Y/n) no, I have a new purpose, and that purpose is Blake.

(???) hahahahaha, and what is your purpose turns against you.

(Y/n) she won't do that.

(???) oh really, what about that monkey boy. He really is head over heels for your girl, you never know he might just steal her from right under your nose.

(Y/n) no, I won't let you deceive me.

(???) deceive, *smiles* name me one time I deceived you.

(Y/n) what about you saying that all my friends and Blake, will betray me.

(???) Oh they will, sooner than you think, they will see you for what you are and they will leave you. Even her, she will see you as a monster. No, as the devil.

I jolt up from my sleep, breathing heavily and in a cold sweat. I then feel movement on my right side and a familiar voice.

(Blake) babe what wrong?

(Y/n) it's nothing, I just had a bad dream.

(Blake) you want to talk about it.

(Y/n) not right now.

(Blake) are you sure, because you look pale.

(Y/n) I'm fine.

(Blake) ok then.

I look at her and see her smile.

(Blake) come lay back down with me, it'll make you feel better.

I smile as I lay on my side and she cuddles into my chest. When she does that I hear you purr.

(Y/n) did you just purr?

(Blake) *blushes* umm, I-

(Y/n) I think it's cute.

I see her smiles, her soft skin, smooth skin pushes against mine.

(Y/n) hey... can I ask you something.

(Blake) sure.

(Y/n) would you... would you still love me, no matter how far gone I am.

She looks up at me.

(Blake) of course I will. I love you no matter what, as long as you come back to me.

(Y/n) *smile* I'm so lucky that I have a wonderful girlfriend.

(Blake) and I'm lucky to have a awesome boyfriend.

I look at the time to see that is was almost 11.

(Y/n) we better get going before our team starts as each party.

(Blake) ok, let's go.

We got dressed in our clothes that we had on.

(Y/n) see you Blake, I love you.

(Blake) love you too.

We kissed each other and went back to our dorm. I opened the door to my dorm, I to see that no one was there.

(Y/n) probably out and about somewhere.

I then get out of my suit and take a shower, when I got out I got dressed in my regular clothes and started to walk out of my dorm. I decided to go into Vale too.

(Time skip to Vale)
I walk down the a street to see, Mercury.

(Y/n) hmm, found replacements for those legs.

He then goes into an ally.

(Y/n) the hell is he doing?

I follow him into the ally, the after we took a couple of turns and walking down a different street, we ended up by a dock. He goes to the abandon warehouse.

(Y/n) what the hell is he doing here?

I start to approach closer until I get to the side of the building. I was about to look through the window, until a white fang member turns the corner. (A/n: I'm going to write WFM for white fang member.)

(WHM) what the hell.

Before he can say anything else I cover his mouth and put him in a chokehold, he was trying to break free, but it was in vain. I twist his head to the right side *SNAP* he falls limp on the ground.

(Y/n) better get up there.

I start to climb the building, all the way up to the roof. When I got up on roof there was a glass entry way, I enter and put my foot on one of the beams, I start to slowly move to until I see Mercury, Emerald, Roman, and the lady in the red dress.

(???) so Roman, do you have the codes for the Atlas robots?

(Roman) got it.

He hand her over a chip.

(???) ok, what do we know about the beacon students.

(Emerald) We really haven't seen her semblance.

(???) true, but I'm more interested with the dual wielding student who faced you Mercury.

(Mercury) I almost had him.

(Emerald) he almost killed you.

(???) that's not the point, point is that he seems like a serious problem.

I then see a fox Faunus walk in the group.

(???) Shade, where were you?

(Shade) now of your concern, Cinder.

(Cinder) tsk, whatever. Anyway you fought Y/n before, what do you think of him?

(Shade) he is a formidable opponent, when you think he's down, he comes back much stronger than before.

I then see Adam walk in.

(Y/n mind) so when did Adam start working with humans.

(Adam) so, is everything set?

(Cinder) almost, we just need to wait for the right time.

I then sneak out of there, when I got out I started to run to the bullhead to beacon.

(Y/n) shit, all hell is going to break lose.

(A/n: I know this is a short chapter, but this is a information kind of chapter, well hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter.)

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