Impulsive desicions

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A/n: well here's the next chapter, sorry for being a week late. And I apologize for miss spelling Yang's name, anyway here's the next chapter.

(Y/n POV)
It's been a week since I went out with Blake, and things are kind of slow, she is trying to get me to open up to her, but I have trust issues, even with her. She also wants me to make friends, but I refuse to. Blake and her team are away on a mission of some sort. Right now I'm sitting in class watching Jaune getting his ass kicked by Cardin (A/n: yes I'm alternating the timeline a little just roll with it.) and man was it pathetic, he was fighting like he never picked up a weapon before. In the end Cardin wins and Jaune lost, at the end of class I get his attention.

(Y/n) your fight was joke.

(Jaune) well sorry, but not everyone can be as skilled as you.

(Y/n) not saying that, I'm saying you fight like you never fought before.

(Jaune) well... I was never a good fighter.

(Y/n) or cause you never trained.

He has a look of shock

(Jaune) how did you know?

(Y/n) oh come on, I wasn't born yesterday, at least everyone here has a shred of skill, but you don't.

(Jaune) so what now, are you going to tell Ozpin?

(Y/n) *sigh* no I won't, instead I'll give you a quick lesson.

(Jaune) why suddenly help me out?

(Y/n) call it a impulse decision, so do you want my help or not.

(Jaune) fine, but don't think I have forgiven you for what you almost did to Pyrrha.

(Y/n) honestly, I don't care if you approve of me or not, I just can't stand to see another shit show like that. So get your weapon out and attack me.

Jaune gets his sword and shield ready and I draw out my swords, Jaune starts to attack. I notice that every time he strikes he leaves his left flank open. I then go on the offensive and his defensive skill isn't bad, but it could use some work. I then stop and put my weapons away.

(Y/n) you leave your left flank open every time you strike and your stance could use some work.

(Jaune) um, thanks for the tip.

(Y/n) yea, don't mention it.

I start to walk to the cafeteria to get something to eat. As I got to the cafeteria I see Cardin picking on Velvet, again. I walk behind him and grab his hair, and his team jumped when they noticed me.

(Cardin) owowowow.

I turn him around to face me and his face turns pale.

(Y/n) didn't I tell you I would break both your arms if I catch you hurting her again?

Cardin tries to speak but, he couldn't form a sentence.

(Y/n) listen here, I'm in a good mood today so I won't break your arms.

I then punched in the face, giving him a nose bleed.

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