Part 1

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Third person point of view:

"Paging Agent Romanoff to the Directors office immediately." the over-com announced to the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. 

Natasha didn't respond to the last four text messages Fury and Maria had sent her, because she was puking her guts out in her standard issue room. After the third missed call Natasha pulls herself away from the toilet and rinses out her mouth to call Fury back.

"What the fuck have you been doing for the last hour I have been trying to debrief you after your mission in Russia and you better not have gone rouge or I swear to God Natas..." Fury gets cut off by Natasha answering

"Relax Nick I haven't gone rouge. I have been puking my guts out, and I have been since I got back from Russia must have ate something bad, since I feel fine otherwise. I'm about to leave my room to go to your office." The fiery red head says trying to hold back the bile in her throat 

"Natasha you need to come to my office now. We have things we need to discuss." he says quickly then hangs up the phone. 

 Natasha wonders to herself what has got Fury in such a bad mood today as she walks to his office on the top deck of the helicarrier.


Natasha knocks on the door and is immediately met with an angry cry of come in.

"Natasha is there anything you would like to tell me before we get started." Fury says brashly

"Nick. I'm not hiding anything from you. You know about everything about me, you know about Clint and I. I don't know what else there is to tell you, but if you're looking for something specific you can just ask."

"Tasha are you pregnant?" he asks quietly 

"Nick you know that I can't get pregnant. They sterilized me in the Red Room as part of my training. It's not possible." Natasha says quietly the hurt evident in her voice

Nick quickly walks over to his desk with his coat billowing behind him opening his drawer and pulling something out. "Tasha go to the bathroom and take this," he hands her a small rectangular box "it's a pregnancy test. Your physicals were drastically different from the beginning of your mission to now. And the puking has all but confirmed my suspicion that you are pregnant, because I know for damn sure that you and Clint have had sex in the past three months. Am I right?"

"Nick it simply isn't possible. You have told me yourself that it isn't possible for me and Clint to have kids and ever since me and Clint got together five years ago I haven't had slept with anyone else. Nick" She says tripping over her words with confusion

"Tasha I have been known to be wrong. And no matter what this test says you will be proving me wrong. And I know how much you love to do that. So just take that little box into the bathroom and prove me wrong. Ok?

Natasha nods her head and takes the test into Fury's private bathroom and as she shuts the door she hears. "And don't lock the door! If you aren't out in five minutes I'm coming in there to check on you." 

After Natasha follows the instructions on the box, she washes her hand and goes to wait outside with Nick.                  

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