Part 22

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Third person point of view:

Natasha was running through the snow being chased by something. She knew she needed to get away they were going to take something from her if she didn't. Her foot got caught on something hidden beneath the snow and she fell straight down. When she fell she lost the little lead she had on her attackers. They picked her up out of the snow and threw her in a car the next thing she knew she was on an operating table and a new baby's screams could be heard.

Natasha woke in a cold sweat feeling her stomach and insuring that tiny her baby bump was still there. She pushed her self against the headboard and tried to slow her breathing down before she woke up Clint, but was unsuccessful. 

"Natasha what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Clint asked sleepily.

"Yes, but I'm OK now. It was just a nightmare. I'm fine." Natasha said still trying to catch her breath.

"You don't sound fine. What happened? You haven't had one this bad since before you found out you were pregnant. What happened?" 

"I was running from someone and they caught me then the next thing I knew I was strapped to an operating table and someone was taking the baby away from me." Natasha said with a haunted look in her eyes.

"It was just a dream Natasha. That didn't happen everything is going to be OK. I won't let anything happen to you or the baby as long as I am alive. Nothing is going to happen, OK?" Clint kissed Natasha on the forehead. "Let's try and go back to sleep it's only four. Today is a big day you need your rest." 

"Clint why don't we just run? Leave this life behind. No one would ever find us. We could have a fresh start. We could leave before the baby is born, take Bruce with us. He could deliver the baby, he's been taking classes on how to do it. Clint we could be free from all of it."

"Natasha let's just go back to sleep. If you still feel this way after the procedure, we can talk about it then. Right now we just need to go back to sleep because the last idea we came up with at four in the morning almost got us killed." Natasha nodded and laid her head on Clint's chest listening to his breathing till he fell back asleep. When he was asleep Natasha snuck out of bed and got in the shower. She let the warm water rush over her fueling her thoughts of going on the run.  When she finished she dressed quickly pausing only for a moment to admire the small baby bump that was growing with each day.  Knowing that no one would be in the lab she made her way down and powered on the ultrasound machine. Natasha had done this many times when she was worried that the baby wasn't doing OK. Natasha put the freezing cold gel on her stomach and waved the wand wand around trying to find the baby, she was so focused that she didn't notice Clint walk in and sit in the chair beside her. 

"Hey." Clint said softly trying not to scare her. 

Natasha had found the baby and let go of the breath she was holding. "Sorry I left. I had to know."

"I know. That's how I know your going to make the best mother ever. You care so deeply about this kid, I don't know how you couldn't."

"Clint we made this. This baby is ours. They always told me I couldn't, but look at me now, look at us now. Had anyone told me this was going to happen five months ago, let alone five years ago. I would have laughed them out of the room. Thank you for this Clint. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry. I.. I just."

"Tasha you don't have to explain anything to me. I know what you went through in the Red Room, what they put you through. It's indescribable. I know you want the baby and I know that this isn't a mistake. I know that we aren't a mistake, which is why I bought you that ring. I want to spend the rest of my life you and the baby, and if you want to spend the rest of your life on the run. I'll run as fast and as far as you want, you've always felt safer there and so have I. As long as we're together nothing can stop us."

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